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Need a last minute xmas gift idea?


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The gift that keeps on giving.

and giving, and giving.. you like that baby? Funny sketch!

If you guys are hurting for christmas gifts, take your loved ones computers that arent running that great (or have specific problems) to Firedog at your local Circuit City. Very low prices and they do a really good job from what I've seen. What do I know though? I just work for them for the next couple of weeks. :icon_cool

At the very least they are required to be Microsoft Certified Pros which is better than nothing I suppose :)

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The writing on SNL has been getting better and this last weekend's was great. I can't stop laughing about the Digital Short. Best one since "Lazy Sunday".


Step one -- cut a hole in a box...

Step two -- put your junk the box...:lol:

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