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Break in differences with Canadian version?

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I was reading my Canadian manual and it states break in until 2000km. Now the US version I understand states 1000 miles, which is about 1620km.. I'm at 1600km now..... I'm tempted to go with the US spec :-) Unless of course I'm totally wrong. Can anybody please confirm? Thanks, Mal.
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[quote name='malachii']I was reading my Canadian manual and it states break in until 2000km. Now the US version I understand states 1000 miles, which is about 1620km.. I'm at 1600km now..... I'm tempted to go with the US spec :-) Unless of course I'm totally wrong. Can anybody please confirm? Thanks, Mal.[/QUOTE] I suspect that possibly the people who wrote the manual had a problem converting to kilometers, either that or they just thought rounding up wouldn't hurt, either way you're good to go. Just remember the golden rule with all Turbo Subies and that is full operating temperature before going into boost
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The avatar is a photo of my custom "enhanced security system". I'm really glad I decided to go with this setup - I haven't had any vehicle break-ins or vandalism so far. The only problem involves the high-cost monthly maintenance plan that's required to keep the system running smoothly. Wagon required. Mal. p.s. They make great pets too.
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Yeah. 30 years ago when everybody wanted a Dobermann they got a bad name due to bad breeding. They're good stable dogs now. My dog - Mika - is actually really friendly. He wasn't bred for agression, nor has he been raised that way. I expect bit bulls will be fine in 30 years too. Too bad they're going to be banned due to irresponsible breeders and owners. Not sure what's going to happen to people who own them. I doubt they can force you to get rid of your dog. probably just banning the purchase of new dogs. Anyhow this is pretty off-topic. Take care, Mal. p.s. Here's an alternative pic of my dog - much less scary ;-) [url]http://www.wadesoft.com/transfer/cute_mika.jpg[/url]
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Mal, Are you sure you've got a Subaru Legacy manual or a Subaru Legacy for that matter :)? On page 8-2 "New vehicle break-in driving- the first 1,000 miles (1,600km). On the back of my manual it says Issued April 2004.Printed in USA.
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