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ok so i had to drop my car off at the dealer so i can get anti rust stuff and all that done to my car..my car is a 2007 subaru legacy 2.5i se with about 850miles on it anyway so they give me a car to use for the day till my car is ready and its the same car same year but with 28000 miles on it and alot of mud and smelled like ass :lol: anyway so i take the car and i feel a big power difference..WHY?? is it cuz my motor isnt broken in yet or the oil they use or is it the smell of ass ?? i want too know.. Yes i know i bought the wrong car if i wanted to go fast and all that but there is nothin wrong with wanting a lil more push with out the psshhhh:icon_bigg



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Why're you gettin rust protection? I'm not sure about subie's, but I know most car mfg's tell you not to get it done because it can void the corrosion warranty. I'm too lazy to get up and check the owners manual. I know both of my parents cars (GM's) have this warning in their manuals.
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i just thot i needed it we use alot of salt in chicago you are right next to me so you would know i think. i also got the interior protection stuff and paint protector and they told me it wouldnt i asked before i got it done

They dont use that much salt here :lol:


What dealer :munch:

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i just thot i needed it we use alot of salt in chicago you are right next to me so you would know i think. i also got the interior protection stuff and paint protector and they told me it wouldnt i asked before i got it done


IMHO your gettin ripped off 3 different ways.:icon_wink

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When I was a salesman at a large dealership in my area, we sold the protection packages. We had 3 different levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Bronze cost $1799, Silver was $2199 and Gold was $2499 (each was a complete ripoff.) The way we sold them was to explain the features and then say "and right now, we're offering a deal that you can get the Gold package for the price of the Bronze!" and ppl just ate that shit up. What we didn't tell them was that they were buying a $125 detail job that didn't actually protect anything. We also didn't mention that there was actually only one service we offered. If half-way through the pitch they were showin all sorts of interest, we'd sell them the Gold package. We got paid 25% of everything over the cost of the service ($75.) So needless to say, if even 10% of the dealerships in the country did business like that, I'd never buy a protection package.... besides what I mentioned earlier about the whole warranty thing.
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Wow. Protection packages are almost as big a joke as WMD. I worked at a place that sold them, and they sold a lot of them. It was less than a grand, but still. Buying a can of Scotch Guard and a pack of Armor All wipes will not only be cheaper, you can use the wipes more than once. It hurt to see people taking out a loan on a car and getting the pro-pack. They're making years of payments for a detailing. The cost is actually lower than you think. Each bottle of fabric protectant did at least 3 vehicles, many more if they had leather. The leather/vinyl stuff went even farther and the paint protectant was good for a few vehicles, too. I always billed all the parts out on each protection package, even if the recon guy didn't take them. Sales had charged the customer an obscene amount for basically nothing, so I billed sales for the parts that the package called for. Sales didn't like it (the parts listed for about $80), but who cares about them? The office (read: owner) liked it because I was making money for the store at the salesman's expense.
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... Bronze cost $1799, Silver was $2199 and Gold was $2499 ......

wow!!!it is a bit expensive...

I just made "anticorrosion package" by myself few weeks ago.

The cost is:

1 Liter of Dinitrol 479 for underbody

1 bottle ( spray) of Dinitrol ML for "hidden" areas.

1 brush

1 bottle of whitespirit (to clean hands)

2 bottles of beer.

4 manhours.

Very happy with the result , the mentioned corrosion protectors are really easy to work with, even for unexperienced self-taught people.

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...snip... and alot of mud and smelled like ass :lol: anyway so i take the car and i feel a big power difference..WHY?? is it cuz my motor isnt broken in yet or the oil they use or is it the smell of ass ?? ..snip...


Male ass or female ass? :icon_wink IMO you should not be able to feel any significant difference in power even comparing an engine rght off the line verses an engine fully broken in. You might pick up 5-10 HP but you're not really going to feel that as a "big" power difference.

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in college, i installed these packages for some extra cash... What a joke. 1500-2000 bucks for some industrial-brand armorall(interior protection), Like brand scotch gaurd(stain protection), and "paint sealant" that came off as soon as you washed the car. NEVER BUY THIS CRAP. Now, if you wanted to pop for the undercoating that's on you. It seems like it may be a benifit if you live in the snow/salt belt but, you should do like i did when i got my car. They offered it to me for 350 bucks. I said hell no and walked back to the prep shop and handed the guy 30 bucks and 20 mins later he was done:)
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The only paint protectant I've found that I think actually works is "Five Star Shine" and you don't get it from the dealer normally. I might have gotten ripped off considering the cost of their packages ($60 or more) but I think the stuff rocks. It takes a long-ass time to put on. You have to wash your car super carefully, then wash it again with their special "polarizing solution" and let your car dry in the shade. Then, you buff-on this creme that supposedly bonds with the polarizing solution to provide a little teflon-like covering for your car. I honestly feel like it's slicker afterwards, the paint feels freshly waxed and bird crap etc doesn't stick. It washes off easily. If you apply it to a new car, they offer you a "lifetime paint protection warranty", and to a used car a 5 year warranty, they reckon their stuff is so good the navy uses it. I put it on my MY 00 RS and after three years my paint looked like new when I sold it. I just recently put it on my Leggy and I really do think the crap comes off super easy. Have any of you guys used this stuff? http://www.5starshine.com/ppc/index.html
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Has anyone else noticed that the guy who started this thread hasn't responded with anything about how his car is or anything of the sort?


We're not knockin you, you just made an uninformed decision. And hey, everything has a placebo affect, if you think it'll work, it'll work, to you at least. So if you like whatever it does to your car, it's a good buy. And what we think doesn't matter anyways: if you're happy, you're happy.

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and i wasnt even talkin about the damn rust proof thing i was just tellin you guys why i had to go to the dealer and i wanted to know why the dealer car was pullin more then mine thats all then you guys rip me on how i got ripped off and thank you guys for tellin me tho cause now i know in the future not to get it thats it
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People are always out to screw you. As a class, I hate car salesmen. I avoid them like the plague, even (especially) when buying a car. Protection packages are one of the places that they really get you. They're counting on your love of your car and your desire to do what's right. There's nothing wrong with loving your car. If I didn't love mine I wouldn't be here. There's nothing wrong with wanting to take care of it. We're there with you, toshiba2.5.


You've seen a lot of anger and hatred in this thread, but none of it was aimed at you. It was all directed at the guys who took advantage of you. You didn't know. Don't worry about it- if people knew bout it, dealers wouldn't sell these packages any more. I worked at a place that sold them. That's show I found out.


Your car didn't get hurt by the rustproofing. You apparently decided you can afford it. You bought something that you didn't absolutely need. If that's the worst thing that happens to you this month, you're golden. You weren't being stupid, you just didn't know. Learn from it- remember that not everything is as it's presented. Don't buy your next car from them, either.


Back to your intended point, let the car break in. As an aside, you didn't buy the wrong car for going fast. Any POS can get up to speed, eventually. What matters is how much fun you have. Does your 2.5i have the power to work corners well? Then fine. Raw acceleration is dumb (fun, but dumb). I don't care about getting to 60, and I don't live a quarter mile from work. There's always something that can shut you down, so don't worry about having the biggest and baddest package. You've got a great car, so enjoy it. Enjoy not insuring a turbo at 18, too.

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