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I ordered my new plates for the LGT..

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And for my fellow enginerds... how about:




For a plate?


If you not a math or physics person... don't waste time trying to figure that one out. No offense. It's "nerd speak", "nerd cool". Hee hee hee.



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and folks here it is...




OK. You took the Legacy badges off your trunk lid and replaced them with the plate.:lol::lol::lol:

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And for my fellow enginerds... how about:




For a plate?


If you not a math or physics person... don't waste time trying to figure that one out. No offense. It's "nerd speak", "nerd cool". Hee hee hee.




Hmmm, formula for acceleration.....EGADS! I AM A NERD!:eek:

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Decent cash yes, but the GF says I'm not allowed to chase hotties so my 'coolness' is questionable at this point.


Since we're getting all nerdy here, can you name any of the 'black projects' that were an inspiration for my plate?


--- HAVBOOST ---

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mine will either be:




Flat IV


or i'm going to steal the AWD FTW.


Do your thing... Thief!!! :lol: As long as you aren't in KY it's cool! I have another idea that I'm keeping under guard and away from all you chicken hawks! :icon_bigg

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And for my fellow enginerds... how about:




For a plate?


If you not a math or physics person... don't waste time trying to figure that one out. No offense. It's "nerd speak", "nerd cool". Hee hee hee.




Hate to break it to you Bunkie, but "nerd cool" is a non-sequitur.


Some of us are trying to change the public's perception that Subarus are driven by whale-watching Greenpeace members on their way to the healthfood store.


You're not helping

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Hate to break it to you Bunkie, but "nerd cool" is a non-sequitur.


Some of us are trying to change the public's perception that Subarus are driven by whale-watching Greenpeace members on their way to the healthfood store.


You're not helping




Some of us car less what others "think" about us, and more about things that REALLY matter.


Seriously - WTF cares WHAT others think about the perceived image you have of a "typical driver" of these cars??


Not trying to start an e-argument here... just pointing out that we should not give a damn what anyone else "thinks". Focus insted on what YOU think, and YOUR enjoyment of the performance and experience of these cars.


THAT is "helping". Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Cheers dude.


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Oh, I forgot... I came up with another potential "fun plate"


how about "CHINPO"


- ask your Japanese friends to explain. This plate may apply to the way "some of us" drive these cars (hopefully not... :icon_mrgr )


LoL..how about ookii chinpo???

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Some of us car less what others "think" about us, and more about things that REALLY matter.


Seriously - WTF cares WHAT others think about the perceived image you have of a "typical driver" of these cars??


Not trying to start an e-argument here... just pointing out that we should not give a damn what anyone else "thinks". Focus insted on what YOU think, and YOUR enjoyment of the performance and experience of these cars.


THAT is "helping". Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Cheers dude.



That's the problem with most of those whale-watching Greenpeace hippie granola-eating Subaru owners. They could "car less." I guess they're just not into cars.


As for you, only a liberal democrat who is the product of public schools would have trouble recognizing satire. I know, in public school it was all about self-esteem. Don't you wish your teachers actually graded you? Social promotion doesn't get you far in the real world.


Thanks for you "help".:spin:

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