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Week 2: Car still unregistered, also my letter to Subaru.

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It's now week two. Dealer again didn't call back as they promised. Called dealer this evening, STILL getting the walk around. I've never in my life have heard so many excuses. The new one is, "It couldn't have been done because the DMV had a series of blackout." Yeah right!!!!! They then rambled off a whole crock of crap and promised to call back in the morning with when they could give me dealer plates and blah blah blah. This is what they say every time. Nothing resolved, pushed off until tomorrow. I fired up my computer and wrote a nice letter to Subaru. Maybe Subaru will get on this. Do I have any hope this will resolve it... not really. But here is my letter: [b][u]My letter to Subaru[/u]:[/b] I bought my '05 Legacy on August 31st. Since then, my ownership experience has been awful. I have reached the point where I regret purchasing this vehicle. Not because of the car itself, I wouldn't really know because I've rarely driven it. The dealer never properly submitted my paperwork for the registration. Over one week ago, my registration expired and I haven't been able to drive my car. I am now in the second week, and my car has never moved an inch in my driveway, because it doesn’t have any registration. Since before the temporary registration expired, I've been getting the run around from the dealer and have heard every excuse in the book and some. They gave me a note saying if I got a ticket, they'd compensate me for it. I will in NO way illegally drive this car. I been told they'd give me dealer plates, which seems to be an empty promise that was never fulfilled. They constantly tell me they'll call back the next day, they even promise it, but they never call. I am so disappointed with this. They haven't fixed anything, but only continue to drag this on longer and longer. How long will I own a car I can't drive, two weeks, a month? When does it end? I wholeheartedly regret the purchase of this vehicle. At first I really enjoyed this car, but now I look at it parked in my driveway collecting dust and leaves. I'm 23 years old, this purchase is a major commitment for me. As of now, they aren't sure when this registration will be processed. So, I guess it is safe to assume this will easily go into a third week, where I've paid one months car payment and insurance for something that never moved an inch in my driveway. Is this how Subaru treats its young buyers? How will this be resolved? Can it even be resolved to solve my new founded distrust and distain for Subaru? Why can’t I have a loaner in the meantime or dealer plates? I am shocked and appalled by how this is being handled. ******************************************************** Well that's it for now. Tomorrow, I'll see if Subaru does anything. - Mike
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Tomorrow, during normal business hours, call 1-800-SUBARU3 and talk to someone about it. I've called SoA twice regarding customer service issues (trivial issues, nothing like yours) and SoA was very responsive both times. They will immediately assign you case number so that you will have something to reference if you have to call them back. This way, you can fax or e-mail your letter to your CSR so that they get the info instantly, get on your case, and get your Suby back on the road where it belongs.
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To be honest with you I would drive the car there and park it smack dab in the front. I would give them two options...1. make it very clear that if you do not get a dealer plate then the car will remain their's and the finance contract should be deemed null and void. Secondly, I would simply state to them that should you get pulled over and ticketed you will sue the dealership for their negligence in the matter, court costs, loss of income for taking the day(s) off work, any potential increase in insurance premiums, the operational cost (ie..payment and insurance) of a vehicle that is undrivable. You could probably tack on some more. It is a good letter. Sadly, I'm sure they are going to tell you SOA has no direct affiliation with privately owned and operated Subaru dealers. Mazda North American Operations gave the same response to a couple of dealer complaints. To be honest with you...I would not screw with calling them. Dealing with you on the phone is giving them the easy way out. Dealing with you face to face will force them to address the problem in a direct matter. Put your foot down. Don't take bull@)$% Good luck! P.S. Want me to call them...lol. I'll simply state I represent you and am moving forward with legal recourse if the car is undrivable today!
OBAMA......One Big Ass Mistake America!
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Subaru has no DIRECT control over dealerships.. but they can really put the pressure on when they need it. When the STI s were available... only the best dealerships even got one to show to people.. THAT affects the dealerships bottom line.. if the dealership is REALLY bad.. SOA can just drop them as well i think...
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also.. very soon... go to the dealership.. and CAMP there until they give you a dealer plate or a loaner, etc. You are also well off to ask for how the dealer will make things right by you.. (upgrade option, free oil change, etc) I don't think they can pay your first payment, etc because you are paying for the physical car.. not how often you drive it. Force them to make it right... threaten to send SOA a letter (i know you already did) Make sure your thoughts are known in the survey you will be getting soon.
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[quote name='RoundBoy']also.. very soon... go to the dealership.. and CAMP there until they give you a dealer plate or a loaner, etc. I don't think they can pay your first payment, etc because you are paying for the physical car.. not how often you drive it. [/quote] Wanna bet. I went through this with my wifes car. It's simple...I am taking possession of a car that I am agreeing to as drivable and functioning. You the dealer, because of your negligence, has hindered my ability to operate a motor vehicle that I am paying for.
OBAMA......One Big Ass Mistake America!
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well... im sure the dealer will want to make good.. especially if there are customers in earshot. but when you get down to the nitty gritty... I think its still on you. are you exempt from payments if you get your insurance carrier dropped or lose your license ? but.. i never went through this.. so.. if you can.. go for it.
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[quote name='RoundBoy']well... im sure the dealer will want to make good.. especially if there are customers in earshot. but when you get down to the nitty gritty... I think its still on you. are you exempt from payments if you get your insurance carrier dropped or lose your license ? [/quote] That is your negligence. Big difference between not being able to drive a car I pay for based on my actions vs. not being able to because someone is pulling BS. What I would love to know is if the title even got out of the department yet.
OBAMA......One Big Ass Mistake America!
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Even though it looks like you finally got your registration, DON'T LET THE DEALER OFF THE HOOK. Personally, I'd settle for whatever renting a comparable car for 2-3 weeks costs. This is a perfect case for small claims court.
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I'm not as up on the new car registration stuf as other things, but....I agree with the poster a while ago that said you have to stop agreeing to take crap and play hardball with the dealer. If I remember correctly, Mike, you are the young, 23 or so, guy. You don't seem to be getting any respect at the dealership, but that's not completely unusual at some dealerships. Unfortunately, at your age you can't be expected to know all about the remedies for this situation....and they know this. You need someone who can properly put pressure on them and enlighten them that you refuse to be ignored, disrespected, etc. etc. With this in mind, I believe one of the only 'quick' solutions for you may be to have an attorney write one hell of a good letter letting the dealer know that you plan to nullify the sale or ask for financial restitution, or whatnot, for their improper handling of your sale. People, all kinds of people...even dealership owners...suddenly get respectful and timely when threatened with headaches that are bigger than the little one you can muster for them otherwise. A letter might cost you $75-150. Ask first, before you allow it. Make sure your first visit to the lawyer is otherwise free. Can any lawyer here help Mike out????
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Just DRIVE it. You have all the paperwork. Its a brand NEW car. Your not a hooligan. If you would get pulled over, explain the situation and play dumb. Let the officer tell you how to get it updated. Heck, they're the ones pulling you over, they should have the proper answer as to how to rectify the situation.
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For now, I disagree with the talk of small claims court, hiring a lawyer to write a letter, etc. The dealership knows the situation will be resolved in a few days, so they aren't paying you much attention. The thing to do is go over their heads and bitch like hell to SoA. Dealerships absolutely HATE getting bad customer service reports and pissing off the big company. Bitch to SoA, and then make SoA and/or the dealership give you free stuff (strut tower bar, STi shifter, subwoofer, homelink mirror, or other BS accessories that they can toss at you) to make it up to you. I don't like the legal threat idea because everyone knows it's such a hassle to follow up on the threat, especially if you receive your new plates in 2-3 days.
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[quote name='TLS']Just DRIVE it. You have all the paperwork. Its a brand NEW car. Your not a hooligan. If you would get pulled over, explain the situation and play dumb. Let the officer tell you how to get it updated. Heck, they're the ones pulling you over, they should have the proper answer as to how to rectify the situation.[/quote] I said basically the same thing in his previous thread and was called an idiot for even thinking it. I agree with you.
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Ok Subaru e-mailed and called me today. They got in touch with the manager at the dealership, and I assume applied pressure. They said they'd give me dealer plates tonight, but being that I was stuck at work late and the weather is really bad, I'll put it off till tomorrow. I spoke to the sales manager, who told me that DMV is processing the paper work and might have it done by tomorrow, if not, then definitely by Friday. Until then, they'd give me dealer plates. So it looks like I will finally enjoy this (damn) car. It's about time. As for trying to get some free crap out of the dealer, I'm so burnt out by this that I don't even care anymore. I just want to use the car, and I'm happy that it looks like it's finally resolved. Thinking of that... they still have to install the subwoofer/amp, the auto dimming mirror, and the window etching, that I ordered extra with the car. They said they have the parts, I'm hoping that I could have them install it first thing Saturday. Ok maybe I'm not out of the woods yet. - Mike
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[quote name='SC GT']For now, I disagree with the talk of small claims court, hiring a lawyer to write a letter, etc. The dealership knows the situation will be resolved in a few days, so they aren't paying you much attention. The thing to do is go over their heads and bitch like hell to SoA. Dealerships absolutely HATE getting bad customer service reports and pissing off the big company. Bitch to SoA, and then make SoA and/or the dealership give you free stuff (strut tower bar, STi shifter, subwoofer, homelink mirror, or other BS accessories that they can toss at you) to make it up to you. I don't like the legal threat idea because everyone knows it's such a hassle to follow up on the threat, especially if you receive your new plates in 2-3 days.[/quote] I will tell you exactly what SOA will say. "We are not involved with, nor affiliated with any independently owned and operated Subaru dealerships". As much as you think you are going over the dealerships head by going to SOA, you arn't. Complaining to SOA about a dealership is alot like complaining to the president of the united states about your local city counsel.
OBAMA......One Big Ass Mistake America!
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