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Any 06 Owners Seeing 05 Gremlins?

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Not me so far. (knock wood)


First year models of any make are notorious for problems. Its one of the reasons I bought my Spec. B albeit there aren't many miles racked up yet. A year of real world testing was incorporated into it I trust.

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Not me so far. (knock wood)


First year models of any make are notorious for problems. Its one of the reasons I bought my Spec. B albeit there aren't many miles racked up yet. A year of real world testing was incorporated into it I trust.


the Nav and red leather was NOT thoroughly tested, though.




you're fooked, mang.

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I own an 05' Legacy 2.5i (yeah I know. It's not going to break anyland speed records but It gets great gas mileage, 30mpg city last tank.:icon_tong)

And I just started seeing Gremlins last night. first one I've seen in 8 or 9 years...

looked just like this one...



and yes... it was a gremlin X.. though no quite as clean as this one...;)


But no... I haven't had any irritating problems pop up in my car..(that was what you were asking right...):icon_mrgr

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That is indeed what I was asking though I love the Gremlin pix. That red one is the bomb!


I have read a ton of posts and some 05s had oil consumption issues, rotor problems, cracked windshields, etc. I was just wondering if SOA had addressed these 05 teething problems for the 06 MY.

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