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D.C. to Baltimore...30.3mpg HWY!

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Are you guys purposely try to get good MPG on these trips b/c I've never seen anothing over 25mpg on any extended highway trips. Just did a trip from DC to Indy and back (1500 miles total) and avg ~25mpg for the entire trip, based on the computed readout which I know is optimistic.


I know that some have disclamors of cruising around 70mph. I was doing 10-14mph over the speed limit which meant 70-84mph. Time is was more important than economy for that trip. I've also notice that many of you are running with an AP, which seems to make a noticeable difference in mpg.

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Are you guys purposely try to get good MPG on these trips b/c I've never seen anothing over 25mpg on any extended highway trips. Just did a trip from DC to Indy and back (1500 miles total) and avg ~25mpg for the entire trip, based on the computed readout which I know is optimistic.


I know that some have disclamors of cruising around 70mph. I was doing 10-14mph over the speed limit which meant 70-84mph. Time is was more important than economy for that trip. I've also notice that many of you are running with an AP, which seems to make a noticeable difference in mpg.


My trip I was trying to get good gas mileage, but was not driving like a granny. I had a few bursts of WOT while passing, but tried to only use the cruise control set at anywhere from 62mph to 70mph.


Yes the AP helps. Probably gained about 1 to 2 mph hwy. I have also been using Fuel Magic for the past several months and my hwy mileage seems to be going up a little more. ( I know crappy name, but i got it because i went in on it with some people and one guy that uses it in every engine swears by it because it also keeps the combustion chamber really clean. He has a drag car (classic camero...hot!) he uses it in...ever year he takes the engine apart...since fuel magic...no build up.)


Here has been my experience on highway trips with similar driving styles:

Stock....25-26mpg hwy

AP....26-28mpg hwy

AP+Fuel Magic....28-30mpg hwy.

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I was purposely trying to get better fuel economy on this trip. Same trip up to the cabin as last year and a day and a half of driving in the city.


I tested a bunch of speeds and watched the economy - despite several claims, you do NOT get better economy at 70 mph than you do at 60 mph. Best economy I've found is around 50 - 55 mph. I've run both stock and with an AP stage 1 and I noticed no difference in economy when driving the same way. I think you'd have to go Stage 2 (eliminate cats) to see any real improvement.


My tank yesterday ran 456.4 miles before putting 15.4 gallons in the tank. Actual average mileage of 29.6 mpg, indicated of 30.3 on the computer.


This was done mostly on a trip up to the lake and back when I was in no hurry to get there, or to get home. I've also seen a LOT of law enforcement on the roads lately, so it's added incentive to not drive as fast as I usually do.

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27.9 mpg from northern va, to somewhere off of i-91 in conneticutt traveling overnight. Kept my speed between 55 and 70 most of the trip, a few stops, lots of construction... oh, only about 300 miles on the car when i left
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