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Scratch on Hood

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Got home today after work and took a quick look over my car. There's a good sized scratch (fairly deep too) on my hood. Really pissed seeing that I've only had the car for two weeks. Obviously need to repair it...either on my own or bring it to a shop. Here are my questions:


1) What's the best option, do it myself or bring it in?

2) How well can the paint be matched?

3) If bringing it in is the best option, should I go back to the Subie dealer or to a body shop?

4) If doing it myself is the best option, what's the products and procedure?

5) What can I do now to prevent rust or peeling until I bring it in?


Thanks for your help!

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What do you think caused it? Long lateral scratches on the hood are not typically something you just walk out and see. Those are usually found on the doors.


If you can feel the scratch with your fingernail then it is too deep to polish out. It will have to be painted. If you haven't ever used touch up paint before, then I wouldn't suggest cutting your teeth on a scratch like this one. I would take it to any body shop and start getting estimates on what it will cost to have it air brushed. My guess is around $150 if the scratch is any longer than 6 or 8 inches.


You'll really have to post pictures before I can help much more. If it is deep enough that you are concerned about rust, then I'd take it to a body shop right away. It is already too late to prevent rust since most scratches only need exposure to air and water to start rusting. Start getting some estimates and get it fixed. You might try going to a detail shop first and see if they can repair it, but if it is deep like you say it is, then there isn't anything they can do. Typically detailers don't airbrush, so you are still going to have to go to a body shop likely.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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It is already too late to prevent rust


He said it was on the hood. The hood is aluminum. You know that I'm sure.


Face it, a new car is a magnet to all the crap on the planet that is not bolted down.

It is still ugly.
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My expertise is in paint care. I figured if he was concerned that it would rust then there must be something about aluminum that I didn't know. lol At any rate, if it was a cut on a panel that would rust, then the statement holds true. ;)


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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I just wanted to put his mind at ease that he didn't have to run out and get it taken care of right away. He can take his time to find a shop that does good work.


Look for one that has a lot of expensive imports waiting to get fixed.

It is still ugly.
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