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What happened to my ride

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So, it's been about 6 weeks since my accident & I still don't have my car back.




The original estimate on the damages was for about $5-6k. I figured no biggie. Some body work, new radiator, good as new. WRONG. Unfortunately, the body shop, not knowing any better (not their fault at all) sent the car to the dealership for the mechanical repairs. That alone upped the damages to almost $10k. So, I get the car back & it's ticking like crazy. Not the usual faint boxer tick. Loud ticking like when you stick a baseball card in the spokes on your bicycle. I take it back to the dealer, they tell me no problem (of course), bring it in tomorrow & we'll fix it up for you. Now, at this point I know this dealer is a joke but since they're the shop on the insurance I have to let them do it. Well, that was 2 weeks ago that I brought it in. It was an additional $5,400 worth of repairs bringing the total cost of damages up to almost $16,000!!!!!!!! I'm so pissed, the car should've probably been totalled but since it was like $5k, $5k, $5k in 3 separate shots there's no way it's gonna be totalled now. The dealer also tells me "the way this works is you pay us & get reimbursed from insurance.". I told them no way in hell am I handing you $5,400 out of my pocket. They then informed me they cannot release the car to me without payment so I told them keep it there, I'm not paying you. I called my insurance company about this & they said DO NOT PAY OUT OF YOUR POCKET. What a scam. I'm bettin on the fact that the dealer knew full well the extent of the damages but figured if insurance totals the car they don't get paid so they downplayed it to make some money. That's my paranoia talking but still, I wouldn't be surprised. End all of it is I should get it back this week. Once my car is back in my posession I'm calling a lawyer to tell him my suspicions see if I have any legal recourse. I'm also going to go to some other dealerships & see about trading it in. Trade-in value is roughly what I owe on the loan. I'd feel like a scumbag selling it privately after all this. I've seen some leftover 2005's & 06's for a few grand off so I'll just start all over again, probably with a lower payment. I'll have to strip off all my aftermarket stuff but oh well, I'm not giving that stuff away to the dealer. It sucks that I'll have to go thru all that but I think that's the best bet. I really don't want a car back that should've been totalled most likely. Anyways, enough of my rant. I got a few inquiries from people about what happened to my car so I figured I'd fill you guys in.

"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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Damn man, thats bulls**t. Hope it works out. My car is in the shop too. Stay in close contact with your insurance. Do you have an insurance commission in NY? If you do maybe ask the lawyer if its a good idea to get them involved.
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if they released the car to you as fixed then it should have been fixed, no more 2nd or 3rd time. Talk to a lawyer or talk to your insurance and let them use their lawyers. It's not BK is it?


I'm not sayin till my car is back in my possession but................

"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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I told the insurance company my thoughts on the dealership. I really have to talk to a lawyer about it. I'm in the process of buying a house so I'm gonna ask the lawyer that's handling that to point me in the right direction on this. I definitely told the dealer that they did not repair my car correctly so I don't want to hear any bullshit about it. They told me they did fix it correctly & another issue arose in the 12 hours from when I got it back till when I brought it back to get fixed again. Would you believe these assholes jammed an engine cover on in between my perrin TMIC & my strut bar. It obviously wouldn't fit so they bolted it down to keep it on. Why they would even bother to put one on where there wasnt one before I don't know. My guess is so they could charge my insurance for another part.
"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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I'd try to keep on top of the insurance company. They are getting screwed in this deal as much as you, they already have lots of lawyers on their payroll and aren't afraid to use them to push around a shady dealer. Explain to them the entire situation including all the things you saw that they did that was wrong and mention how htey strapped on extra parts that didn't fit.


Remeber the insuracne comapny is really the one paying for all this so if you make them think this dealership is trying to milk them for money and driving up costs they will be all over the dealership till they are done.

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I'd try to keep on top of the insurance company. They are getting screwed in this deal as much as you, they already have lots of lawyers on their payroll and aren't afraid to use them to push around a shady dealer. Explain to them the entire situation including all the things you saw that they did that was wrong and mention how htey strapped on extra parts that didn't fit.


Remeber the insuracne comapny is really the one paying for all this so if you make them think this dealership is trying to milk them for money and driving up costs they will be all over the dealership till they are done.


Can't argue with that........ :cool:

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not saying who the dealer is till my car is back in my possession. I dont want them to catch wind of this thread & sabotage my car or something. Once I have my car back I'll get after the insurance company & talk to my lawyer about this. There has to be some kind of recourse. If worse comes to worse, I'll just trade it in for most of the remaining principle on my loan & start over with a different one. It's bad timing with the house & all at the same time as this. House>car so I have to focus my attention on that. I would really love to make a big deal about this though. I'll see what my lawyer says.
"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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just got off the phone with my insurance co. The dealer is telling them it was only an additional $700, not $5k+. So they tell me one thing & the insurance company another thing. I have to meet with a lawyer on this. Like I said before. I dont wanna make too many waves till I get my car back in my driveway. Then I'm gonna make their lives miserable at the dealer.
"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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just got off the phone with my insurance co. The dealer is telling them it was only an additional $700, not $5k+. So they tell me one thing & the insurance company another thing. I have to meet with a lawyer on this. Like I said before. I dont wanna make too many waves till I get my car back in my driveway. Then I'm gonna make their lives miserable at the dealer.


Crazy stuff, I don't suppose there could be any misunderstanding about that? I guess I can be a little naive, but that sounds unbelievable.

My other car is a 1993 Chevy S-10 Tahoe! (Currently being driven to failure by my nephew)
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^^or they could've been trying to bilk me out of $4,300 & then let me worry about getting it back. That's my distrust talking though. It could've been a misunderstanding I guess but I've been lied to too many times. Like I said, worse comes to worst I'll just trade it in somewhere & start all over. It won't cost me anything to do that. This whole thing has just been a total debacle.
"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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Holy smokes man........so sorry. Glad to here you take things one step at a time, analyize what's infront of you then make a decision.


Wish you the best......and that you get your car back ASAP


Thanks Scans. Like I said house>car & that's my main priority right now. I will speak to my lawyer & see what legal recourse (if any) I have & take it from there. Most likely the trade-in option will be the easiest & best route. I have no confidence that my car will have been repaired right.

"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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that's the problem with fixing cars cause they can just blame something else. I had a friend take his car into a dealership 3 times to fix some electrical problem cause the car would just die but the problems kept happening after they said it was fixed and he was able to recover some of the $4k he paid to them, maybe about half the amount.
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Thanks Scans. Like I said house>car & that's my main priority right now. I will speak to my lawyer & see what legal recourse (if any) I have & take it from there. Most likely the trade-in option will be the easiest & best route. I have no confidence that my car will have been repaired right.


There are probably minor clamp marks on the car from the frame being pulled. When I sold my WRX last year, the dealer only wanted to offer wholesale for the vehicle since it obviously had been in an accident (sideswiped by an SUV)...this is with a clean Carfax record. I tried sending letters, making phone calls, and researching ways to get some form of compensation for the lost value of my car (I had originally wanted it to be totalled out because of the extent of the accident).


My advice to you is to mention that you'll "probably" lose quite a bit of money when trying to trade it in. Anywhere you go to will know that it's been in an accident. Good luck and I hope everything works out.

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^^thanks, that's good advice. I'm gonna bring that up when I speak to my lawyer
"Barack Obama, mothaf#%@a! Barack Obama! I'm the president...of hittin' the ass!" -this is not a political view it's merely a quote from a hilarious tv show.
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