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SD: AWJunkies meet


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I have shown up a few times but im usually the only one. I skipped one once and anothe LGT showed up that night. He said he was the only one too... Guess the LGT just doesnt get any love in the SD area.
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jj808, we are like taking turns going to these meets, hah. Last time I seen LGTs was when I met up with you and Dale while back.


I was thinking of going, but a patient got me really sick at end of day, so I rushed home to bed instead :( Any raffles?



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Ha! Yea, that is what it seems. When we met up that time is the last time i saw any other LGTs at the meets. Where is Dale? Havent seen him around in a while.. No raffles, nothing. It was pretty boring all in all. I do get tired of hearing how great the STi or Evo is thou. Im still fuming cause some jackass thought my car was a Ford 500 AWD version. I so felt like kicking the crap out of him and stealing his S60R.
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Ha! Yea, that is what it seems. When we met up that time is the last time i saw any other LGTs at the meets. Where is Dale? Havent seen him around in a while.. No raffles, nothing. It was pretty boring all in all. I do get tired of hearing how great the STi or Evo is thou. Im still fuming cause some jackass thought my car was a Ford 500 AWD version. I so felt like kicking the crap out of him and stealing his S60R.


Haha! Don't steal his S60R, just let him suck LGT exhaust, assuming your LGT is modified...if not..:iam:

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Only stage 1 for now. Money is rather tight right now and im still undecided as to what i want to do in the future when the money becomes untight. All go or All show.


Those S60Rs look so damn sweet thou! Im sure i wouldnt mind having the LGT and the S60R. =)

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Hey all,

I'll be back in town sometime in June for R&R. I'll know more when June nears, but if a meet date happens to fall in the same time... keep your eyes peeled for a lowered, blacked-out wagon spewing unfiltered fumes out the pipes!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've asked this question more than once without ever getting an answer.....


Does this S.D. group have any other regular meets (say once a month) on a day other than Thursday nights?


I know that on a few occasions this group has gathered at Norm Reeves Subaru dealership in Temecula. Is there any other such meet planned in the near future?

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I read few days ago about Norm Reeves selling off their Subaru and other section, so not likely any more meets there.


As for SD, there's always Sunday and Tuesday night meets each week, to my knowledge Sunday mainly AWJunkies and Tuesday all kinds of cars (my favorite night to go) at same location in Clairemont Mesa. The "Fusion" meet.

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I wouldn't be surprised at Norm Reeves selling the dealer. 1. The performance parts dept isn't there anymore.. its now a separate entity a couple of buildings down. 2. They always have like 2x as many Hyundai as Subarus..


Shoot, I remember before I bought a STi I went there to look at one. I drove in with my 93' RX7 TT... went straight to look at the STi.. and the first thing the salesperson asked me was if I was interested in looking at a Hyundai :rolleyes:

"some say, his arms are made of coiled adamantium fibers. And that he tops his cereal with nuts and bolts. All we know is, he's called the Jose."
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^Almost as bad as when I drove into formerly known as Balboa Subaru (the most notorious Subaru dealer in San Diego) lot in my 2000 2.5RS coupe, and a salesperson popped outta nowhere and asked me if I'd be interested in a WRRex and then asked me, "What the heck are you driving right there? Get a Subaru!"




I have never been to Norm Reeves before, and guess I won't ever have the pleasure.

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