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zymol leather care?

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Considering your choices off the shelf, yes they are very good. In fact, given the choice of only shopping locally I would say that the Zymol product would probably be what I used on my leather. Now, don't get Zymol confused with Lexol. Lexol sucks for one reason. It smells like goat piss. Nothing that smells that bad is going to make you happy no matter how good it makes your leather look.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Online there are some great choices. Poorboy's has a great leather cleaner called Leather Stuff. It is sort of an all-in-one cleaner/conditioner product. Pinnacle and Wolfgang both have a great leather conditioner that smells just like new leather as well as working great at making your seats soft and conditioned. Zaino has a good leather conditioner too. I use either Pinnacle or Wolfgang. I like them both equally. I'm using up the last of my Pinnacle and will be using Wolfgang from now on just because I like sticking to as many products from one line as I can.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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You don't like the Four Star Cleaner & Conditioner anymore?


I do like the Four Star stuff, but I figured I'd suggest products that don't require you to shop all over the web to get them. I haven't bought a bottle of the four star conditioner since the Wolfgang one came out anyway. On top of that, since Four Star is now available in only very very few places, it just makes more sense to buy products where you end up buying everything else anyway.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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I haven't ever used their conditioner or cleaning products, but I have seen examples of their leather repair products and that is amazing stuff. By the time I had a car with leather in it I was already buying the good stuff online, so I haven't done a lot of experimenting with OTC leather care products. It's an area I need to sharpen up on so I can offer better advice than just to buy it online. There are plenty of great products off the shelf that will work just as well as something you pay a premium for online. I tried to offer some suggestions in that area on my site, but leather care is one I skipped due to lack of information.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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