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stuck ignition/steering wheel


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I searched and couldnt find an answer to this...


My Legacy is about a month and a half old. About 2 out of 5 times when I try to start up the car, the key ignition is sort of stuck, along with the steering wheel. When I turn the key, I have to use some force to get it unstuck. It then clicks, and the steering wheel is also "unlocks".


I have no idea what this means.


Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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Yeah, what johnAWD said. And to avoid this in the future, don't turn your car off with the steering wheel held in tension against the tires, let it return to a natural position. If you park with your tires straight, this will almost never happen, but if you park with your tires at an angle, you can feel the wheel trying to come back to center just a little. This is what is jamming the locking mechanism. DON'T FORCE THE KEY! Keep moving the steering wheel until the key turns. If the key gives any more than a little resistance doing this, keep trying until it works.
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Thanks for the help everyone. So this isn't really a problem with the car, just a problem with how I have the steering wheel when I shut off the car?


Thanks a lot


Yeah, pretty much. Happened to my ex in her Leg wagon once so bad she could not get it to move. I got it to move. LOL. It happens with other cars too. As long as you are careful not to have tension on the wheel lock you shouldn't have any more trouble.

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