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Pin Striping... it's gotta go.


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Bought a new Spec B today.

Don't know why the dealer thought it was a good idea to pin stripe it but they did. :lol:


The stripes appear to be stick-on and run the length of the car on both sides. Is removing these as simple as lift and pull? Will it leave any residue that I need take special care of?



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Oh, one more thing. You could always ask the dealer to remove them, and of course CREDIT you the price of them (though to be honest, I am not sure you want them touching your car any more than they have to.)
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since they haven't been on there that long, they should come off fairly easily.


if you don't have any detailing/paint care experience you may want to have a detail or body shop remove it.

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Didn't cost me anything...

The car was brought in as a dealer trade so none of us knew they were there until it showed up.


They are very subtle. 2 black pins running down each side 2 or 3 inches down from the windows.. I'll snap a picture tomorrow. Then I'll find a body shop to make them go away.

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If they are stick on, you should be able to peel them pretty easily. It might help if you used a hair dryer or heat gun to heat them up a little. It will probably leave some residue, but that should come off with a little isopropyl alcohol.


I'd need to see it in person to be sure, but that doesn't look too bad to me. But hey, I'm a big fan of the whole "Different Strokes for Different Folks" thing, so if you don't like them then get them the heck off your car immediately!!!

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I thought they stopped pinstriping cars like 20 years ago. Personally I think it should be against the law for a dealership to modify a vehicle in any way unless requested by the customer.


They make pinstripe removal tools that you can get at any paint supply store. You just have to ask them for it and they'll get you hooked up. Get it off your car ASAP though. It gets harder to remove the longer it is there.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Mine were taken off at dealer parking lot by the salesman, they come right off. Just get it started with your finger nail and pull away. I also had them take the "protection package", some BS rubber trim around the wheel wells and the dealership sticker. All that stuff gotta go, beleive it or not it made a big difference.
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LOL I peeled the dealership sticker off my car in the parking lot too. I told them I didn't want them to even wash the car. As I was peeling off the sticker I asked them what part of 'don't even wash the car' implied to them that I wanted a vinyl sticker on the back? :lol: Dealerships do some dumb stuff...


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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tape stripes can easily be removed, use a hair dryer to loosen up the glue.


As far as stripes NEVER on a car...I hate blanket statements like that. I had a vouple of Volvos that I had PAINTED stripes put on, because the lines of the car looked good with stripes.

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So they put the sticker over the dirt? lol


They probably wiped down the area first. It was snowing that day anyway, so I probably didn't notice where they wiped because it got all covered again.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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