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Tickets for having smoked tail lights?

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I just made a purchase from hot subaru for the dark smoke tint for the tail lights. Im just wondering if anyones gotten a ticket for having tint on their tail lights. I went dark smoke and now im wondering if I should of just went with smoke. Please post on what you think about the situation. What are the chances of getting pulled over for doing this?:confused:
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check your DMV or DOT. not all states will be the same
258k miles - Stock engine/minor suspension upgrades/original shocks/rear struts replaced at 222k/4 passenger side wheel bearings/3 clutches/1 radiator/3 turbos
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I had smoke on my Black LGT before i got rear ended it was plenty dark gave it a very nice look, i would think dark smoke would be a tad to dark, i thought the smoke was hurting my reverse light illumination (others said it doesn't), i can imagine what dark smoke would do.


thanks for bumping all these rear lens tint threads :icon_tong cause i just ordered another par or smoke.

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haha no the guy was like 98 and couldnt see over the wheel, it was in the middle of the sunny day, and i was stoped for 20 seconds waiting to take a right off the main street onto my street (i stopped to allow a neighbor to take a left out of my street onto the main street)


from an old thread :lol:


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Nobody has ever said anything to me, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened. Utah sucks that way. Still... I see so many cars with stock tail lights darker than mine (pontiac is the worst at it) so I can't imagine a cop caring. I can imagine failing the safety inspection because of it. Luckily they just peel off and I can put them right back on. :)


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

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