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CD player issue


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I get this fluttering and crackles sound when playing store bought CDs and burned CDRs. My dealer just informed me that SOA said I'm not suppose to use burned CDR in the cd player. There is some sort of pamplet or something they give out to warn you about it when you purchase the car new. Bascially, dealer is trying to deny my warranty. Is it a total BS?
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Mine just started having issues last night. I put a store bought CD in and it thinks for a second, something clicks and then it switches to radio as it spits the CD back out. There aren't any scratches or anything on the CD. I'm bringing it up when I take it to the dealership in a couple weeks. I've read other threads about this type of thing.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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If it is happening with both you certainly have a case. Try and speak with the Service Manager rather than the SA or even talk to your original salesperson about the issue and maybe dont bring up ripped CD's.


OCD, I would be bringing this up with them ASAP, better to have to on their books when you go in rather than them saying U will have to come back. Just a suggestion.


Jedi, good suggestion also as the CD systems are designed to run at a nominal speed, slowing down yr burn/rip rate will certainly assist with the CD's playing clearer and better on the stock Subaru system.


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Under the Audio - CD Player section of the user manual, it specifically states the headunit is designed to play CDRs and CDRWs, but that it may not work with some.


Please, storm into the shop and shove the manual where the sun don't shine.

I keed I keeed
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Burn your CD's at a slower speed- that'll clear right up.



Hmmm - never heard that before; does that really make a difference? I've never had a problem with a burned CDR in any car, and maybe it's because pretty much all my stuff was burned at a relatively slow 12X.


On the other hand, everytime in the past that I've had an OEM head unit die on me, it's been the CD player that stop playing CD's (store bought or burned) that was the first failure.

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