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car tax coming back in VA?


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I havent heard much about it lately. Last time I heart the discount was stopping meaning that whatever it is at now is where it will stay.




Gilmore promised to abolish it altogether to get elected but the legislature axed the last phase (where we are now was Phase II I think). I don't think they will reinstate it - VA is fiscally sound now and it would be bad PR.

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Gilmore promised to abolish it altogether to get elected but the legislature axed the last phase (where we are now was Phase II I think). I don't think they will reinstate it - VA is fiscally sound now and it would be bad PR.



hopefully that is the case... I can tolerate where it's at right now (about 1/3rd, correct?) -- but if it went up all the way, i'd be screwed.

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I remember writing a check to Fairfax County in the fall of '98 for $1K for the tax on my old car. That's just outrageous for an annual thing, in addition to the 3% sales tax.
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The taxes should be based on weight, not value as value is abstract. If the true meaning is to recover revenues for the wear-n-tear on the highways, then the heavier vehicles bear the biggest burden. Weight doesn't change. We already pay sales tax on the vehicle based upon sales price. Personal property tax values are never true value.

I was assessed a value of $5000 on a 12 year old car with 220k miles. The Treasurer didn't think it was funny when I asked for a check in exchange for the title.

Just my thoughts though.

Vir Est Fatum Ut Perficio Concepta Suus Progenies. - Man is destined to fulfill the capacity of his lineage (i.e. Darwinism):rolleyes:

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