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Why I actually enjoy being underated...

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My mom has a westie now, and we had an australian terrier growing up. I really like cairns, esp. the dark coated ones. Small terriers are awesome pets. So much personality. I prefer them any day to a bigger dog that just sits there and slobbers.



I couldn't agree more. My wife grew up with a Black Cairn, she is the one who talked me into a Cairn. I was a big dog person all my life, Labs. Now that I have had this guy for over a year now, I don't what I was thinking. Totally portable, tons of personality, minimal shedding, can sleep in the bed, and the most terriers will outsmart alot of people I have met.


Westies are much like Cairns, my parents have one, great dog. I actually want another Cairn in Black-Digby's dad was all black and he was a sight. I will never own a big dog, unless I have acres of land. Even then I think I would just get more Cairns.


My friend is thinking of getting an Aussie, just can't find a reputable breeder. They are a sort of mix of several of the old world terriers if I am not mistaken. Very cool looking little buggers.

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Even if your LGT is "unique", people will just think it is an Outback anyway.

Is your's a sedan or a wagon? :icon_ques You don't sound too happy about owning one if you think everyone "will just think it is an Outback". I really think this thing looks nothing like an Outback. Different wheels, lower stance, sedan makes a huge difference as also mentioned above. Come on!!!:icon_bigg BE EXCITED! I know I still am after months and months of driving it...

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Sorry for the thread-jack guys..


Yeah australian terrriers are amazing pets. Super smart, great disposition (westies can be ornery at times), totally fearless (used to kill snakes and critters in the outback) with a lion-like ruff around their necks. Ours really had soul, was like a person. Really solidly built. Though totally calm, ours took on bigger dogs without hesitation if bothered on the street by them.


Unfortunately, sometimes there can be a predisposition for diabetes with them...have your friend check this out, as we had to give "jack" insulin 2X a day as he got older. There used to be a good breeder on the east coast, cant remember the name right now.


Digby looks cool.



Sorry for the hijack.



Great to hear on Aussies. If you remember the name of that breeder or if you can find out PM me so I can pass it on. This kid is having alot of trouble with dirtbag breeders out here. He hear all my experiences with my breeder which were very positive, so now he expects the same. Unfortunately buying a dog is much like buying a car. Gotta do your homework.


Where in NYC are you? I am down there all the time. Wifes' Uncle has a sweet apt in Times Square that he doesn't use on the weekends. We go all the time, love that city. Best place on earth.

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Is your's a sedan or a wagon? :icon_ques You don't sound too happy about owning one if you think everyone "will just think it is an Outback". I really think this thing looks nothing like an Outback. Different wheels, lower stance, sedan makes a huge difference as also mentioned above. Come on!!!:icon_bigg BE EXCITED! I know I still am after months and months of driving it...


My co-worker called my Leggy an "Outback" too.

I blame the people less and blame Subaru's marketing or lack therof for the problems.


Heck the guy at the tire place looked right at my acrylic hood cover that has SUBARU written on it and called it a Saab.



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I actually had some guy ask me what kind of car I had when leaving Wendy's the other day. He complimented my car and I left happy. That says something about the lack of advertising for Subaru. I mean if the guy likes the car but doesn't even know what it is, then Subaru isn't getting the message across that there is more to Subaru than the outback wagon

Does Subaru advertise? Who needs to advertise.

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I wonder if the reason Subaru leans so heavily on the Outback is because if they didn't, the brand would 'dissapear' in the minds of most stateside Subaru owners. OB's by far constitute the majority of not only sales in NA, but brand recognition as well. Impreza has helped pick up whatever slack there is- but there is more emphasis on the Model than the brand. Who was it on this forum said "strong product, weak brand" I've quoted that a few times already it's so spot on. Subaru makes no effort that I can see to tie the OB to the Legacy. I'd bet that 90% of non-subaru owners who know what the Outback is think that it and the Legacy are two entirely different, unrelated models.
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Does Subaru advertise the LegacyGT? Who needs to advertise.




As far as it goes, Subaru doesn't have a marketing campaign for the leggie's. They do for their outback but hell, not even the WRX has gotten a "THINK. FEEL. DRIVE." commerical since the advertising switch over.


Who knows though, they might just be flying under the rader til this year sometime.

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I'd bet that 90% of non-subaru owners who know what the Outback is think that it and the Legacy are two entirely different, unrelated models.


I thought this before I bought my LGT...for some reason on some of the paperwork I filled out it said Legacy Outback...which I questioned the sales rep on, where he filled me in that they're basically the same car...probably would've never known if not for that...

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