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coming from a 2002 mercedes s-500

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Well I can tell you the E55 is the best car that I have ever had the pleasure of being in let alone driving. With 350 ++++++++ Kw at yr right foot, and the sound wow, look just go and have a look at one, what an amazing piece of machinery. Only problem is, it makes the GT & STi now look like its under powered LOL.
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Last night I was coming home from just driving around, and came upon a E55 sedan. I was in fourth gear, full-on throttle, and was closing pretty quickly. The E55 driver yielded the left lane and smiled benevolently, while looking in an approving fashion at my GT wagon. I waved thanks as I rolled past him. In his case, having the fastest car on most roads will make you smile benevolently at most things, sort of like a parent watching the children play. :lol: It is weird, however, they way most people don't notice the car until they look at it, then they see how classy and understated it is. One guy looked, looked again, then asked, "What is that?" Kevin
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What's going on here? How many of these cars are there out there? Yesterday I followed one at a high rate of knots through the inside line of a two lane merge. We then stopped side by side at a light and Sir did not happen to glance accross at my dirty little Wagon.
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