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Engine mode selector on 09 3.0R

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My engine mode selector dial behind my shifter stopped working, as well as the Sport button on the wheel... I just spilled a drink on the dial but that doesn't necessarily explain the wheel button. Anyone know if this is easy and cheap (fuse or some bs) or $$$ fix?
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The wheel button and the selector can effect each other, from what I recall off the top of my head.


Realistically it's the liquid in the selector causing resistance. The modes are selected with different resistance. Again off the top of my head. The wiring diagram that explains it is in the service manual.


I would disconnect the selector. It should allow the steering wheel button to work if it's is shorted inside the selector.


If you can take it a part and clear it that might be the answer or replace. Very unlikely there is a fuse or anything else related wrong.

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