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Back From the Dead Rebuild Thread

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No specific reason. Aside from a few ratio differences between a couple years, most of the units are very similar. Maybe 'it's a newer gearbox' is the idea, but they are not that new anymore so there goes that idea... I don't want to have to source another diff especially since I resealed, and refreshed the one I have in the car now.  I guess that is part of it. 

I think the 2007 has the same ratios, but still uses the speed sensor, in any case there is a solution for using the wheel speed sensors for the speedometer. If I'm going to install a DCCD controller what is one more component. 

Really anything 2007 and newer should work just fine, mostly same shifters, sensors and connections from that I have read so far. If there is something I'm missing please let me know I don't want to make an expensive mistake. 

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