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How to tell if you have the original engine?

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I recently purchased a 2010 Legacy gt with 160k miles on it, the car is completely stock to my knowledge. So far I have put 2k miles on the car and there has been ZERO oil consumption. Now, I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth. But with a turbo Subaru, at this mileage, I was expecting it to burn some oil, but it does not, like AT ALL.


There is evidence the engine was out of the car in the past, is there any way to tell if this is the original engine?



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Title (at least here) has both engine and body (VIN) number on it.


Or if there is an online Subaru VIN decoder, should show the original engine, body, and tranny numbers. Not ever had to decode a Subaru VIN but the euro cars I decode VINs on show the original numbers of all main components.


EDIT: And if the numbers are original, the original engine may have been rebuilt?


Either way, if it runs well, should be nothing to worry about IMO.

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Sounds awesome that you're not seeing oil consumption, did the car come with service history / receipts etc?


Not a ton, the previous owner had the carfax from when he bought it, but other than that, not much.


I did my home work before buying and I was expecting her to burn some oil, a nice surprise indeed. But yeah I am very curious about this car's history...


Edit: I've tried a couple online "vin decoders" none of them show an engine code of any kind.

Edited by decoy
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Did the previous owner have the engine re-sealed? My engine was leaking and burning oil at 80k miles and Subaru re-sealed the whole engine for me, and they paid for it. On the Carfax for my car is simply says "Vehicle Serviced, which doesn't say anything about the repair.
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Did the previous owner have the engine re-sealed? My engine was leaking and burning oil at 80k miles and Subaru re-sealed the whole engine for me, and they paid for it. On the Carfax for my car is simply says "Vehicle Serviced, which doesn't say anything about the repair.


There were plenty of "vehicle serviced" on the carfax, so I guess it's possible. Before I bought the car I actually managed to track down the service manager at a dealership where the car was serviced by a previous owner. He said he remembered the car and the owner and said it was very well taken care of, one of the reasons I decided to make the buy.

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As mentioned by other the VIN number is the only real way to tell. The engine comes out to replace the clutch which likely has been done already. The exhaust manifolds or the down pipe is disconnected for water pump replacement (timing belt). Because of this maintenance has likely already been done at 160k miles then the tell tale of signs (tool marks on bolts, clamps being replaced and harness Being removed) of the engine being removed doesn’t mean necessarily mean the engine has been replaced.


My GT’s engine is still running strong at 121k miles and I don’t need to add oil.

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