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Is this car super smart or something?

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I think my car is learning. I'm noticing that the gas gauge drops a little faster than normal, so I get to quarter or eighth tank with less miles on the trip OD than before. I still get about the same average mileage, is it possible the car is doing this so I fill up around a quarter tank like the manual says your supposed to instead of my normal "oops, it's on fumes, better fill up"?

What else can my car learn to do?

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I doubt it, the ECU is not that smart and frankly I don't think it controls the gas guage. Maybe you had air in your tank or something and didn't get as much gallonage on your fill up?


Either way the reserve on these cars is far too big, mine comes on a 1/4 tank or so.

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I guess it's like those parents who think their kids are really smart and that they'll get a full ride scholarship to any school in the country and you have to tell them that, no, their kids are actually pretty stupid and will be lucky to graduate high school. Or perhaps it's just my car. Hmmmmm.
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