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this forum is dead so here's a couple of airplane pics


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the day before a local demonstration from the USAF Thunderbirds, they were practicing the paths for their routines and i caught this image from my backyard.




but it just made me have to see more so i went and found a place near the base to get some photos of their demo.








i know @ehsnils is gonna cum in his khaki shorts


shot handheld with a 55-200

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That's awesome, great shots. I've seen the blue angels enough times to get some awesome pic but I never bring a camera.

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None but ourselves can free our minds.♫ -Bob Marley, Redemption Song

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And finally, our raft up in the Severn River, watching it all. Worst sunburn I’ve ever had, with lots of sunscreen. Hard to see but there were about 25 of us. It was a magical day.



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