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OEM JDM Sub provision?


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I'm relatively new to the group (a whole 2 weeks), but have lurked since it's creation which helped my decision to purchase my '05 GT LTD MT Sedan.

I have read with much interest the posts on the factory under the seat sub, as well as offered my car as a prototype for one of the others to build a 'template' sub mold for the trunk corner.

My real question is the 8" knowckout plate in my rear package tray. Is that intended for an OEM sub in the JDM sedan? Nowhere have I seen a 'built-in' 8" sub in the rear of a Subaru, but many other mfgs offer similar options in Japan (Lexus, Infiniti, etc.).

And if it is a factory sub option, what do they do differently with the rear package tray for a grill?

Thanks for all of the great info and advice. My Kartboy STS is on order, my windows are tinted, and my badges are all gone. Cobb AP, UP/DP/TBE are also in the plans.



Vir Est Fatum Ut Perficio Concepta Suus Progenies. - Man is destined to fulfill the capacity of his lineage (i.e. Darwinism):rolleyes:

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In the US market, the wiring is not present for the Rear-deck sub. The JDM unit might work in our cars with extensive work, but to date, gfxdave99 has had quite a bit of difficulty just getting power to his JDM climate control, let alone get any of the other wiring to work. I suspect the radio would be equally difficult, not to mention, why bother if you can get the climate control to work, since you could then just put in a better aftermarket deck. And if you're going to do that, then why not just get a real sub instead of some free air 8" sub.


Either just get the under seat sub, or get a Clean Sweep or something.

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