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Bummer accident - Advice for repair time?

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Hey all, had a left-turner jump in front of me last week :icon_cry:. Going in for (Fully covered) repairs tomorrow. I've never had to deal with this before, but does anyone have any advice on language or message when doing the "Walk around" with the repair shop tomorrow?


Quick notes: I was able to drive away, no leaking fluid, hood latch was smashed in and I cannot open it for further investigation.


My biggest worry is the right rear (Complete opposite side of impact) door has a little bit of a protruding lip when the door is shut now...makes me think of a bent frame or something.


Appreciate any advice, thanks!



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Just my guess, but suspect if RR is out of align you had frame damage. Walk around with body guy and point out what you see vs what he notes. Plus, he will tell you something like "we can't know exactly what is wrong until we take it apart". You have to take whatever they say upon their full inspection on faith. As it is not your fault, extra cost is not a problem, but getting a good repair is. So, if you can, choose your repair shop wisely!
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Thanks. It's this place https://abraauto.com/abra-auto-location/396-seattle-wa-aurora?utm_source=local&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gmb


Selected since it's on the other parties (USAA) approved list of repair shops (i.e. they say they will stand by their work)


:lol: every body shop will tell you the same thing. Just about all offer "lifetime" warranties on their repairs. What I stated in another thread is the following:


You are best to take it to a shop that specializes in MB, BMW, AUDI, RANGE ROVER, etc. The quality of the work is generally far superior as those customers have higher demands than those of say a Toyota or a Honda. You can generally pick who YOU want so may be something to think about.

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