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Dunlop Winter Sport M3 drivers


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For those of you who have used to Dunlop's, what tire pressure have you found to be the best? I believe their max pressure rating is 50 PSI, which is higher than some, so I was thinking start out as high as 38 or so, but that feels a bit stiff (I have left it so far because its unseasonably warm here now when I just had them put on--60ish, but in another week or so when the temps go back to normal it'll more likely be in the 30's this time of year, which will cost a couple of pounds of pressure)



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I paid $536.00, but I got the $50 rebate so that actually made it $486.00 plus shipping. I'm not sure if the rebate deal is still going on, just checkout Dunlop or Tirerack's website. These tires are good, but you trade a little winter snow/ice grip for dry weather handling, I miss the snow/ice grip of Blizzaks WS-50, but on the other hand the WS-50s dry weather performance was like driving on eraser heads. All in all, I'm satisfied with the looks and all around performance of the M3s.
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