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Changes to the CVT post-2015?


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Been reading a few posts on the Outback forums about the CVT post 2015. As many are aware, there's a TSB extending the warranty on the CVT models until 2015. I believe that this warranty extension ended in 2015 because the 2016 model years seem to be unlike to be out of the original warranty period of (in terms of 60k mileage, but they're still in the time (5 years months) portion.)


Has anything changed in the design for the CVT going forward from the 2015 models? Specifically, the high-torque variant that is found in the Legacy 3.6 is what I'm after.


As far as I know, they changed the filter for the valve body going from the Gen1 to the Gen2 model, and I thought I'd read that the Gen1 that was in the 2010ish Gen4 Outback was actually "overbuilt" quite a bit and can handle quite a bit of force before it's an issue. (They built it to be able to withstand 120% of what they predicted was max torque?)


Did anything else change? Any known, recurring, or potential problems with the High Torque CVT variant?



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