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Engine Stutter

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I have an issue thats driving me nuts. Under load (ie 2600+ RPM) the turbo will spool and the engine begins to stutter and pop and the car sounds like it is back firing. If I am on the highway and ease the throttle pedal down it responds better but the stuttering is still there at a higher rpm range. Coils and plugs have both been changed to no avail. Idle is also normal.


Any ideas would be appreciated. I have the btssm app if it can help produce an kind of logs to assist.

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We did a reset last night to clear the low maf warning after changing the plugs and starting it up without the maf connected. I've attached the data accumulated so far.


At times there's very little power and the car crawls as well. I mean really crawls as though no power.


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well, looks like you are running lean. Look at your fuel trims. One is at 15%. So it is adding 15% of fuel because it noticed that unmetered air got into the combustion chamber. Probably from a vacuum leak somewhere after the MAF and before the turbo. Time for a smoke test and avoid going into boost until you get that taken care of.
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Would this also contribute to a somewhat hard start ?


This is somewhat confusing as one in every 10 or so swings I get a normal start...after that it's dragging to turn over.


Weve tested the vacuum but no signs of a leak. Any other ideas

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Would this also contribute to a somewhat hard start ?


Yes, and so would 100 other things. I would test fuel pressure against spec, see the vacay pics for the procedure.


Unfortunately, the Harbor Freight fuel pressure tester is garbage. You can get a decent one from standard auto parts stores for like $50.

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