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Almost hit (3) deer this morning.......

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2 lane road, 1 car and a school bus in front of me. I'm in a bit of a hurry to get to work, and I'm trying to decide if I should pass both at the same time. Got plenty of room to do it, but don't like the idea of passing a school bus.


Just as I decide to back off, I look ahead in the opposite lane, and there are 3 deer in a cluster crossing the road at the same time.


I figured if I had decided to pass when I did, I wouldn't be coming to work today. Scared the shit out of me for a second, think my heart skipped a beat.

258k miles - Stock engine/minor suspension upgrades/original shocks/rear struts replaced at 222k/4 passenger side wheel bearings/3 clutches/1 radiator/3 turbos
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sorry, no pics...it was 2:45 am and i was working......hit the deer in the semi, not the legacy, thank god


anything left of it? gotta imagine when you hit one in a semi its gonna be pretty messy

258k miles - Stock engine/minor suspension upgrades/original shocks/rear struts replaced at 222k/4 passenger side wheel bearings/3 clutches/1 radiator/3 turbos
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