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Pirates Are to Blame For Why The US Doesn't Use The Metric System


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This might explain something:

The proposal, conceived by a bunch of pointy-headed Parisian philosophers, sounded brilliant: A universal system of measurement, derived from decimal-based units and identified by a shared set of prefixes.

It would end the era of merchants buying goods according to one unit, selling in another, and pocketing the ill-gotten profit. It would simplify scientific calculations and enable the free exchange of ideas around the world.

It was an enlightened system for an enlightened time. If only the French scientists could persuade other countries to adopt it.

But pirates have a way of ruining even the best-laid plans.




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Interesting read.


the UK is just as messed up as us - signs, speed limits, etc. still in miles and miles per hour, but they have integrated the metric system into lots of other things...

I never got this, why didn't they just switch to km/h like the rest of the world (bar USA).

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