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Recommend an engine code reader?

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Can you recommend a very low-priced bare bones check engine code reader?


I only need to get the code.


The mechanic told me that, since I had my catalytic converters replaced with non-Subaru parts, the check engine light will repeatedly come on with P420, which is sub-par converter performance, even though they are performing adequately. I want to check frequently to be sure that something else has not gone wrong.

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A bare bones will only read codes.

I wouldn't worry about it until the light comes on. Then go to an auto store that will read it for free.

If you must have a scanner, you need a unit that will read live data.

Just check the specs on units from a Google search



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I went with a name brand for $50 myself, but they're all about the same quality. Some have more features and some less. This lets me read data in realtime, I just keep it in the back of my car incase I ever get a light.



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I got one off Amazon. It's a module you plug into the dlc port and it connects with your phone to read the data. You use it with an app that reads the PIDs from the ecu. I paid $30 for it with the app. Reads live data, graphs, etc. It's saved me money so far!
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