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Subaru owner in need of help! :Houston, TX:

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Whats up guys i'm Joe i've been a member for awhile now and i kinda lurk and read the crap out of everything and anything LGT related. i have had my 05 5eat for about 8 years now and i love it to death. I'm pretty sure its not going to leave the family type of love. My only complaint is its a 5eat. When I bought the car I needed it to commute 2+ hours and I purchased it for a great deal. i moved to Atlanta, GA for work and to start a family 3 years ago and i left all my projects behind. Been itching to convert my 5eat now that i'm settled down and ready for projects. Seen all the threads about how much of a b*tch it is etc etc. So this LGT roller popped up that's currently for sale in the Houston area (in our forum) but he has no previous post history / trader history but i have no way of getting there to check out if its Legitimate. Could anyone spare some time to help out? i seriously wouldn't mind throwing someone a couple $$ for their time.
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You may want to PM 'freaksavior'. He's in Houston and is in the middle of preforming the exact same swap right now.


Thank you! I asked for a picture of the title and if it checks out i'll reach out to him. thank you! I really appreciate this community and fellow Subaru owners pulling together to help out

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