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PLEASE NOTE: This post is NOT to be intended as a notice of my intent to file suit but rather this post is to explain that if this thread is to be closed that I do intend to file suit and motion to suspend the operation of the site.

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Please read in its entirety:

If you do not provide notice to my notice I will be forced to demand anal extortion that will result in suspension of all bowel movements. You have been fairly warned. This also applies to my sandwiches, my caramel macchiato, and my waffles. Don't f**k with my waffles.

Please PM joeleodee For All Site Questions. He is the acting Admin and can resolve anything related to LegacyGT.com
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  • 2 weeks later...
Your notice is denied for lack of notice, said notice should have been notarized, stamped, and mailed before the first notice.


I was noting that I have noticed that MatsuDano noticed BDII's notice. I was not posting a notice. Get it right! :spin:

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All notices have been noticed. further notices must first be sent to the accepting committee, to submit a notice a notice of intent must first be filed. notices of intent to notice can be found under your couch. Please keep in mind that we are all ghosts driving a meat coated skeleton made from stardust and thusly make mistakes, if your notice goes unnoticed do not take offence, simply revert back to step 1 and send notice for your intent to notice.



Noticing committee of notices

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