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Transitioning from BMW


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I have been driving BMW 335s for the past 8 years - 5 years owned 2009, current lease in a 2014. Lease ends in December. I had a GL-10 FWD wagon in 84. Leased a 2014 Forester for my daughter to take to school and was impressed with the brand. I plan to retire at the end of the year and am thinking of a Subaru - Legacy 3.6 or WRX. Will purchase outright. Looking at Acura TLX, but that's $10K more than the Legacy with similar equipment.


Things I will miss in the BMW - power, head-up display, sending locations to nav from Google maps. Things I won't miss - cost of maintenance after warranty, run flat tires, monthly lease payment.


So coming from the 335, I was thinking the 3.6 or the WRX. Need something with more power than the 2.5 to keep me happy. New Impreza comes out this week, and I assume that includes the WRX. Legacy is more age appropriate, and I need to drive the 2017 to see how it feels. WRX is more similar to the BMW. I plan to load either up with nav, Eye Sight and all the options.


Reviewing some of the posts, here's my question. If I really like the new WRX, that settles it. If I decide I want a Legacy I could get the 2017 at the end of the year or buy the BMW off the lease and trade it for a 2018 when they come out. I understand that 2018 they will have a major refresh. Or if I buy a 2017 Legacy and really like the '18, trade up next year.


Any thoughts?

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I'd personally drop the idea of waiting on the Legacy refresh. Many folks know and many others have learned that the first year for a new generation is the worse one to get. The 2015 was plagued with problems that all seem to be cured with the 2016. There are rumors that the 3.6 may go away with the refresh, too. What will replace it? Who knows.
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In the wrx you will give up a little luxury and space for the handling and power you will gain. I am almost tempted to say keep what you have until you are sure you will want the next vehicle you choose. The resale value will hold with a wrx, but you will still lose money for the sake of buying a Subaru now.
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Thanks. What did you mean that I will still lose money. The BMW is on a lease and almost certain to be turned in. I am approaching 70 and retirement and want to start cutting costs. I have built several vehicles online - Acura, Infiniti, Audi - and the Subaru certainly is the greatest value. I realize I need to lower performance expectations. Truth is that I won't be driving as much once I'm retired. Just want a reliable all wheel drive car that won't break the bank. If it's a little bit fun to drive, that is a plus. Will start actually test driving when the 17s start coming out - hopefully during the summer.
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In buying a new subaru now to trade it in later, you would still be losing money on the decline in value vs the bmw you have already paid depreciation on. You may indeed find the wrx suits your needs well, everyone is different. If you aren't sure about the test drive ask for an extended test drive.


I wouldn't be concerned with buying the first year of a refresh, honestly the issues will be fixed one way or another, most of us with 5th gen GTs have first year ones and are happy enough with them. Small annoyances are easy enough to fix, and the bigger ones like the shimmy have mostly been fixed.

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