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Help! Clutch engagement issue people!!

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I could really use the help of those that have had a problem with the clutch half-engaging when trying to get going from first. Happened to me today, was just trying a slightly more aggressive launch than normal (3500 rpm) and the clutch pedal let all the way out and engine spun to redline. Cue HORRIBLE clutch stink and then a faint burning smell that I can still get a whiff of. Also slight shuddering now when the clutch engages in first at lower rpms.


Any of you guys that have had this problem and addressed it, PLEASE PM me any information you think will help when I take this to the dealer, as I imagine it will be 'not replicatable' when I take it.. and I'm not sure I want them burning the crap out of my clutch even trying (unless they replace it anyways).


Your names, warranty issue #'s (if they exist), car build date, locations, dealership where the work was done, what had to be done, how they replicated the problem, any of that stuff would really help. I do not relish a long fight with my dealership on this issue, and it really scares the bejeesus out of me.

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I have the same issue when I launch too hard. I don't think it is an problem with the car, though. I think its a feature of the clutch delay valve that causes the clutch not to fully engage until you back off a little. I believe this is a mechanical system, and cannot be electronically eliminated. You will need to physically remove the CDV, which I've seen writeups both here and on iwsti.com (the STi has the same or similar CDV)
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Not a CDV issue... Pressure plate/ throwout bearing issue. Because a CDV does not exist. That thing on the bottom of the master cylnder is a fluid vibration dampener. All you are doing is removing a vibration damper that has nothing to do with delaying the clutch.


If you have ever seen a CDV you will recognize it. Its a little extention that sits off on the side of the slave cylnder. WRX's have it. On the LGT it DOES NOT exist. The link is misleading because it shows a WRX assembly. The legacy gt assembly does not resemble that assembly. Because the car comes stock with the CDV missing :lol:


You can sidestep the clutch all say long with no load and it wont skip a beat. Once you put some high torque on it it slips or gets stuck... Its a classic pressure plate/ TOB problem.


I kinda find it funny cause everybody is blaming a non existant part. i swear the next time I see CDV im gonna freak :lol:


I have no idea how this rumor started but all its gonna do is cause some poor sap to waste his weekend removing his vibe dampener and burning his clutch monday cause he thought he got rid of the problem.


And YES I have this problem its been back to the dealer 3 times. They havent done sh*t.


Im just gonna upgrade my clutch when one that I like becomes available.

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Like Roby.... I'm patiently (okay....not patiently) waiting for a clutch option to become available as the one that comes with the LGT.....is driving me INSANE!


I've tried a few hard launches.... and get that "refusal" of the clutch pedal.... which is basically keeping me from the 1/4 mile right now.

It is the disposition of men to desire that which he cannot have, hence my un-quenchable wet desire for Shakira!
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