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Has this ever happened to you guys (esp. 5EAT owners)

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I was driving lastnight, very cool out - around the mid to high 50's. So I wait till it warms up a little bit and start off a few blocks normal driving, then I want to see how this car will do on a freshly paved road in the cold - and she seemed like she was really working overtime and kinda struggling to haul ass. It sounded like it was hauling ass but it just wasn't. The last 1000 miles have moslty been highway driving with a couple of hundred city miles (most recent 300 miles is highway only - the 26+ mpg kind of driving), so I'm assuming the computer learned to just do that then and forgot how to really haul. After about 15 minutes - it was getting better and I actually managed to chirp the tires on a really smooth freshly paved empty road. Could it be that the ECU had to relearn how to do it again? BTW, my trip computer for the last 1100 miles is averaged a tick above 22 mpg that's with a mix of mostly highway and very mild city driving.
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from what I have been told, it only takes an ECU about 20 minutes of Idleing to learn most mods, maybe not completely, that takes time, but the ECU will automatically adjust after about 20 minutes. If I remember correctly we run a closed loop system that is self learning. I think you have diagnosed it correctly. Highway driving+weather change= altered ECU
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the wife's 4EAT WRX is a dog whenever i occaisionally drive it - because she drives like a little old lady. after a few miles of me driving it "enthusiastically", its back to being a snarling little beastie (and i get bitched at for killing her gas mileage :lol: ).


the computer is adaptive to your driving style - wring it out a little and i'm sure it will respond.

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I have found in the last 3 vehicles that comptuer controlled cars are kinda like people who sometimes forget to take their medication lol, well thats a bad analogy..


what I mean is sometimes the car will be flying around effortlessly, and other times it will be just a complete dog, you beat on it 4k rpm and you get beat off the line by a cement truck.. last night my car was doing that same thing to me, all night long it felt like it just wasn't paying attention, despite going above 3k rpm with daily driving which I rarley ever have to do to, I was falling behind. The car would always feel like it was in the wrong gear, even when I put it in manumatic mode it just felt powerless.. but then this morning it felt great and was practically coasting to cruising speeds.


I hardly ever do any highway driving, so I average 18.3 mpg (yes .3 every time I check it thats what it says lol) thats from lots of stop n go with manumatic mode most of the time 2500-3500 shifts, and 1-2 above 3500s a tank usually, so that parts been consistent


I've actually found sometimes (very very rarely) that turning the car off, and then back on will sometimes "cheer it up" when its having one of those dogged days. I'm glad I'm not the only person that notices this kinda thing lol, my friends used to say they thought I was crazy when I would complain about my last 2 vehicles doing exactly this

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
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This happened to me yesterday going to work as well. It was like 55 degress and it just wouldn't get going. I couldn't figure it out. So I was a little worried this morning when it was 44 degress heading to work. Well quite the opposite. The car was flying! Good thing too since I am ging to the track tonight ahha.
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