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1990 legacy won't start?????

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My buddy has a 90's legacy 5mt. I haven't seen it really but he hauled it to a shop an they said it would take $5000. To get it running again. Yeah right I'm thinking.



But the issue is it won't start. It turns over and acts like it won't spark. New plugs and a host of other junk I guess.


Any ideas? My buddy wants to scrap it an I'm like noooo! Not good to make scrap metal with a subie.



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First off, get it away from that shop!


So little information, kinda hard to help out. If your friend wants to scrap it, offer him a case of beer for it, then fix it yourself.


Any CEL? Even the first gens are pretty smart, they will usually tell you where the problem is if it's engine related. If there is no CEL, I'd second the fuel pump idea.


Pull the rear carpet up, find the oval fuel pump cover, behind the rear passenger set, put you ear by it while your buddy turns the key on. If you hear it humming, might not be the pump. If you don't hear it humming, tap on the cover with something hard, if it starts humming, see if the car will start. If it does, then that's likely the problem.


easy way to tell if its fuel pump is shoot some ether in the throttle body and try starting it. If it stumbles/tries to fire, could be fuel related.

Check timing belt. maybe broke/ skipped time.

Our cars have issues with the coolant temp sensor. If it fails, the ECU will flood the car when starting. Happened to me with NO warning.


Check the fuel pump and the timing belt. Work your way out from there. Sensors, relays, etc.

I had a problem with mine earlier this year, just ended up being the fuel pump. Easy fix.


I tried starting it and I had the fuel filter off and I'm not getting gas up front yet I had the pump out an tested it an it ran fine.



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How do you check the fuel pressure ? I pulled the pump out of the tank and used a battery charger to see if it ran. An I ran very good. Even the screen was good. The float doe sent seem to read the fuel level tho.



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I tested my fuel pump, and it was working as well. However, once I got in it and ran the car for a while, the pump would stop working, even though it would prime and intermittently run. It may be a good idea to replace it.

The other thing I could think of is the Coolant Temp Sensor. I replaced that, I also bought a cam and crank sensor from a junk yard just in case, however I didn't need those.

How do you check the fuel pressure?


[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Actron-CP7838-Professional-Pressure-Tester/dp/B0009XQUKC/ref=sr_1_2?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1391783730&sr=1-2]Actron CP7838 Professional Fuel Pressure Tester : Amazon.com : Automotive[/ame]

With a fuel pressure tester, of course.

Leave the pump in the tank, and hook up an adapter inline between the fuel filter and the fuel rail (because thats the easiest assessable place) and simply try and start the car. Should be around 36psi. if less than that, bad fuel pump.


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