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First post with some questions


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I've encountered the same sort of problem in Wisconsin. Here they draw a premium both for awd and rarity, in CO I'm guessing they draw a large premium for their capabilities in snow. Do you have any sort of relationship with a car dealership? I went back to the dealership I bought a car from in 06 to get my emissions done and chat up a salesman. A couple weeks later I sent him an email talking about my positive experience with him and with the dealership and voilà, they are hunting a car for me at auction. On the east coast these cars are very common and the price is quite depressed as a result. In other parts of the nation the awd is almost worthless, so a dealership can buy these cars at auction for several thousand less than they are worth locally. It's a bit of a risk for you, but makes it much easier to find the car you really want and save some money in the process. Good luck!
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When you're there, look for evidence of modification. Get under the car and look for new pipes or hardware in his exhaust system, especially the up and down pipes. If he had an aftermarket system for a few years he likely had to use new bolts and clamps. Check the intake, make sure the plastic is worn and dirty like the rest of the bay. With this seller they are probably not indicators of abuse, but if he won't come clean that is a huge red flag. Did he lend it to someone for a year or two? Did his kid get it for a while? I would worry far more if he lies to you about modifications than if it has minor mods.
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I change my own oil for 4 years as well as performed all maintenance and repair work if needed on my car. I never kept a record and if I did the potential buyer wouldnt treat it as "legit" so here is where you need to know what youre driving and try to feel the car out. A car that has been neglected typically looks that way inside and out. I didnt keep a notebook of all the oil changes, spark plug changes fluid flushes brake pads install, strut changes but the guy that bought my Legacy sure could recognize it when he took it to his mechanic and test drove it.
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Did you ever talk with the guys down at Heuberger? If you need a hook up there, let me know. I just bought my '05 sedan from them, but I also knew the original owner from work that traded it in.


As for that wagon, it looks nice, but you are going to need to see it in person, and see proof of that timing belt change. Follow your instincts on it.

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