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Should I be worried?


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I have the opportunity to buy a low miles (<30k) 2008 Outback XT Manual 5 speed. I've been looking for one for a while but there's very few about. The car looks and drives great but when I had it inspected the mechanic pointed out what he called 'light surface rust' on the frame and that the car looked like it had lived near the ocean (it had) but didn't seem too concerned about it. So I made an offer, haggled for a bit and then the seller accepted.


Then I got the pictures from the mechanic and began to worry. He's not available this weekend so I cannot ask him - hence this forum post. I haven't paid for this car yet (I have until Monday) and can still pull out. From what you see below, on a 2008 car with <30k miles, should I be worried about this rust? My biggest fear is if this is what I can see, what else is there that's hidden. Bear in mind that I want to keep this car for a while, use it as a daily driver and probably take it to stage 2 fairly soon.


Thanks for any advice.















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Location always helps! For a car from one of the northern states where they get a real winter and use road salt, it's pretty normal. The one near the battery box looks like they might have had a battery fail - I'd be tempted to clean that one up and reseal (repaint) that spot, but the rest looks pretty superficial
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Thanks guys. I currently have a 2005 outback (non turbo though) that has 85k miles on it. I looked under it to see what state it is in and it's in much better shape than the pictures above. That's what had me worried. I use the car for skiing but we don't salt the roads in Washington so the winters are pretty light on these cars here.
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