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Pitbull rehome. Please help.


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I know it's not car related. But I'm in desperate need of rehoming my Staffordshire terrier aka pitbull. He got into it with my moms dog unexpectedly after living together for over a year trouble free. I have no other choice with him right now. And it pains me to do this.

If you or anyone you know is looking to adopt. Please let me know.

He is 2 years old and about 60 pounds.

Nobody was home to witness who started it.

He would be best the only dog.

He was a good hiking buddy to me. And he's my kid.

I want to find him a good home and have even reached out to rescues that are just over full.


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Bill, I might be interested in him as a shop dog. HUGE fan of Stafs/Pits. We used to have one at SRF (Zoe). Todd has one at home too. I know he is too large for my back yard (and Mario as a play mate) but we expanded the shop and I can keep him there at night (see guard dog) and hang with him all day. Gives time to find a better home too. Most shelters wont take staf/pits anymore. Non sense the rep they have. Best darn family dogs.
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Bump for Bill and to also say I love pits.

Had a Staffordshire once, one of (can't say favorite with my girl around) my favorite dogs. Great around kids, babies, the whole family, it's always about the owner not the dog!


/end rant. Hope to see him go to a good home.

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So I'm obviously not from around these parts and I only saw this thread because of tapatalk but I'm glad someone was able to pick him up. I'm sure he'll be a great addition to infamous performance and tuning and pitbull rescue :lol: my girlfriend and I adopted a pitbull about 7 months ago and he's the best dog we've ever had.
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Stopped by Costco yesterday. New bed, toys, food, treats, flea and tick control, etc. Blisters on my feet from the LONG walks he takes every morning and evening. Took him to the dog park today to try and get some of that puppy energy out of him.


Pic of him in his new bed and at the park.



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Awesome this worked out. I've owned several bully breeds over the years, so I'm partial, but Staffies are some of the most loyal, family oriented dogs out there. They really have a drive to please their humans. Mike, you're about to fall in love all over again


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Have had 2 staffs previously.


I feel bad leaving him alone all night at the shop. He really is good dog. He sticks to you like glue, is a big baby, has played well with all the dogs at the park (and shop) and is very submissive. First time he barked was at the UPS man (not regular driver) today.


We are still actively looking for a good home with a big yard for him. Hopefully we find someone who has the time/space/energy/love to share soon.

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I wish I was in a position to pick up a dog like this. What a great looking pup.


I just parted ways with my gf and doberman (best dog i could ever imagine, I'm crushed beyond belief). I am so sorry you have to give up your dog.


Mike - I am blown away by your generosity and caring towards forum members here. Every time someone is in need I see you stepping up. Good on you man.


Best of luck finding him an amazing long term home and my thoughts are with the OP - I know how hard it is to say goodbye to your best friend.

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