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trailing arm and lateral link

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Will 2002-2007 wrx rear trailing arms, lateral links and endlinks fit my 98 lgt wagon? I apologize if this is answered somewhere, but i came across someone parting all whiteline suspension parts for dirt cheap! any help with whether these parts will fit is greatly appreciated.
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the endlinks will fit,


trailing arms and laterals will not, SF foresters and the GC/GD model imprezas' stuff will


for example


thanks for the info, sucks im going to miss out on this deal. After looking at that link you provided, it claims laterals will fit, im confused now




Ugh, I just did this. Ended up in the ER with steel in my eye after cutting the inside camber bolt out of the lateral arm. Should have worn goggles, not glasses. Best of luck!


sorry to hear about your ordeal, which lateral arms did you try to put on.

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ive heard using both from a wrx may cause the axle to become too short, there was a thread somewhere all about it


ok thanks, i guess ill just save up a little more to get laterals and trailing arms made specifically for my lgt instead of chancing it with the wrx parts!

would the fact the the lateral arms are adjustable make a difference?

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