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boost cut at 4000 rpm? help?!

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I have a completely stock 05 lgt, 5EAT. through first and second gear the car has no problem under WOT. but in third gear and up once the car hits about 4000 rpm it falls on its face as if it were hitting the rev limiter and the CEL comes on. I have CEL's for my TGV's being stuck open before and a low circuit. Can anyone help me out?
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How do you know this car is stock? Did you have it since the beginning? When did you acquire it?


You're hitting boost cut for whatever reason. Without a log to narrow it down I'm only guessing at things:

1) The line to your WG actuator is disconnected or badly leaking which prevents your boost controller from working properly.

2) You are not stock hardware.

3) You are not stock tune.

4) Combination of any of the above.

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Well i bought the car from a subaru dealership. the car was previously owned by a older couple that were in there 70's. I haven't even had the car for a year but the car is 100% stock though. i know that this usually doesnt happen when the cars stock either.
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To me it seems like it's cutting down power because the wastegate or the control of the wastegate don't work. Maybe a stuck wastegate or a hose that has popped off, but check all electrical connectors too. If you can't find the problems - perform some logs and post the result too, it can provide additional clues. Can also be a bad wastegate actuator.


The TGV:s are of course a headache, but as long as they are in open position the worst they will cause is a CEL and codes for them not working and possibly a bit worse idle when the engine is cold.


The CEL will reset after a certain number of starts if the problem isn't detected again, so that may be why it did go off.

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