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Sticking Climate Control Buttons

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The defrost button for the climate control button is a little sticky. By this I mean when I select a different airflow with the remaining buttons the climate control button doesn't immediately pop up with typical click. It does pop back up and it doesn't take long but it's obviously sticking.


I suspect the problem is due to soda running on to the controls when a cup is placed in the cup holders. So I'd like to take the climate control apart to clean it up. Has anyone done this before? I have removed this assembly when I replaced the lightbulbs but I don't recall if it was easy to gain access to underneath the buttons themselves. Due the button tops just pop off? Any advice on how to clean it without removal and disassembly?

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Whose DIY was written for this? Stang?


I'll see if I can find the link


Thanks. I attempted to search this forum along with the Internet but I did not see anything dealing with this specific issue. If you have a link you could point me to that would be great!

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Its already in a sticky :O


Would that be the "2nd Generation (and possible others) DIY Guides" discussion? If so I'll know to look there next time (though I did do a search of this forum before posting so not sure how I missed it).

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