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Posts posted by A_A_ron

  1. That resource was ridiculously handy. If someone who knows him pretty well is willing to reach out to him I will take over the domain, hosting the website, and updating it if he is willing to pass the baton instead of sailing off into the sunset.


    I loved what he has put together and I know many others in this community have gotten a lot from it. I like to think that he'd rather see his project live on and enjoy retirement than let it die.


    If anyone thinks they can get him on board DM me.

  2. The master cylinder brace can give you just as much if not more benefit than SS brake lines and with no risk of brake like failure. I am not sure is OEM or SS are more prone to failure but I assume people have had issues with SS because of improper installation.


    But seriously, find the money for that brace because after this run you'll only be able to get them used or off a wrecked modded Legacy. :(

  3. Have you ruled out the Crawford AOS. A somewhat simple install, but you'll have to make a simple bracket. The one I have does not plumb water through it. Crawford research said this was only necessary under extreme cold conditions


    Yes, I have thought about it but winters in Iowa/Nebraska get pretty darn cold. I mainly looking for how much room is available in the area as that's where I am also looking to install the remote oil filter mount.

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