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Posts posted by red50fordf1

  1. New Jersey is terrible, I hate it. Anytime I enter it I literally start getting angry...There's always traffic and all that I can think about is jersey shore and people dressed and acting like d bags.


    BTW sorry if you are from NJ (I can only image what it's like to live there ;))

  2. Let's be honest, if you're on the road next to me, it's unlikely you're hearing anything except my exhaust! :lol: Not sure if it sounds "amazing" or not, but it definitely sounds LOUD! Gonna have to work on that one of these days... I keep saying my next "mod" will be a vibrant resonator... and then I keep finding other, funner, things to do instead! :rolleyes:


    Have fun fitting it in...there isn't much room in our cars or long straight sections to fit another resonator.

  3. winning the lottery would be nice....



    Also my favorite (but not really) thing to hear after saying you want to win the lottery is when someone replies with "but wouldn't it feel a lot better if you made all that money from hard work"


    And NO it would not, I'm pretty sure boatloads of free money would feel pretty darn good.

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