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Posts posted by amusa

  1. After weeks of masks not being required, now they are. Except you can't buy the replacement cartridges unless you're a hospital. Seems nutty to be ripping up sheets to make masks with the 3M masks sitting idle.


    Assuming we live through this, replacement filters will go on the same "purchase a case in January list" that gloves and mechanics towels are on.


    That is fine since I work inside a Federal Hospital (NIH). I'm going to talk to my boss and see if we can order a few for our department. If not I go to the big top Doctors like Fauci, Collins, etc.

  2. Coworker's son passed away on Tuesday. 37 years old, was in good health. Leaving behind his wife and kids.


    Fever and body aches on Saturday. Turned away from a test and urgent treatment because he didn't have breathing issues.


    Symptoms came in waves better and worse from Saturday through Monday. Woke up in intense pain and shortness of breath on Tuesday. Ambulance came to take him to hospital. Stopped breathing while being transported from 3rd floor bedroom to the ground floor.


    Started chest compressions and intubated him there. Passed away about 45 minutes later at the hospital.


    Awaiting autopsy report, so not confirmed covid, but signs are pointing that way.


    Sorry to hear. The very first symptom is lack of smell (lot of people ignore this)...Then comes the breathing, fever muscle ache & pain, etc.


    Then there are others that will get mild symptoms but they lose the lack of smell.

  3. As of Yesterday 58 staff tested positive. Now it's required for all Staff, Contractors and construction workers to wear a mask when inside the Hospital. Such BS because I can't breath in those dam mask that they give to every one at all the entrance. I need to purchase another respirator mask like 3M or North as a backup (can't find them and Ebay is WAAAAAAY over price). I see if my Federal Agency (department) can order it.
  4. Someone got your memo here. What used to be bumper to bumper traffic for hours is now the Autobahn. I used to be lucky to hit 60 mph now getting passed going 80 in the slow lanes. At night you can actually be the only car in sight. It's unbelievable.


    I sped past an unmarked car going 15 over in the HOV lane, and he ignored me LOL


    It's getting crazy in Maryland. Most people are laid off/furloughed/let go or cut back on hours.

    My company is finally implementing social distancing as a company policy and is guaranteeing us 32 hours pay minimum and only making us clock 24 hours a week.


    It's not looking good though. Most of my friends and family were having weddings/vacations or buying homes a month ago.

    Now and instead I'm using PTO to top up my checks. Should run out just in time for my 1200 TrumpBUX. Then probably gonna get ugly for a couple months.


    I think we'll be back to normal by Christmas. People are going to replenish savings after this and it'll appear worse than it really is.


    Larry Hogan just put Maryland in lockdown. With up to $5,000 and 1 year in prison. I heard Virginia is fine up to $2,500. I know DC is also in lockdown. Don't know the fine.


    My wife (teleworking but in transition to a new company) and son is having a blast stuck at home. Almost everyday is xmas for them.

  5. Plausible guess at the future:




    But hopefully it won't peak at the same time everywhere.


    The Seattle area got an early start, and while cases are still coming in, the rate has started to drop, which suggests that the restrictions are working. So we might get an early break - not soon, but after our hospitals recover from this first wave of patients.


    But I suspect that loosening restrictions anywhere will also depend on strong supply chains for medical gear like N95 masks and other stuff that's currently still pretty scarce.


    It would be monumentally stupid to invite another wave of patients while health care workers are still re-using disposable equipment and begging the community to drop off home-made surgical masks. If I was a doctor or nurse in state with leadership that dumb I'd just stay home at that point.


    Where did you get that information from? I work in a Hospital we don't re-use the disposable mask, shoe bootie or the bunny suite (for the clean room and ORs). The only thing I don't dispose is my Hazmat suite it gets wash every time I take it off and my 3M 7800 full mask that gets wiped down with clorox wipe after each use.

  6. Financially, my 2012 Legacy GT should be paid off in May, so I will have no more loans beside my mortgage. I may refinance that to a lower interest rate and term as well, but I think the rates aren't as low as they should be due the demand of refinances. I am going to wait for the rates to drop further.


    I also had some money put aside for investing in the stock market. I wasn't expecting a world wide pandemic like the coronavirus, but I was expecting at least a stock market correction so I have in position to invest. I am just trying to wait for the right time to put the rest of my money in the market. I have been watching the number of coronavirus cases as well in regards to stock market timing.


    You win some and lose some.


    - My legacy paid off in a year and half.

    - My truck that I bought back in October is almost paid off.

    - I pulled all my money out of the stock market once I heard Coronavirus and bought a few shares from United State Steel for $3.15 a share. It's being steady at $5.72 now. If I do make any money on the steel shares. I'm going to transfer it to my son account.

  7. @ work is now up at 28 from 6, tested positive since last Friday.


    NY, NJ and CT have a travel ban in place. I suppose to be in NY right now boarding onto the Norwegian Bliss from Manhattan cruise port.


    I just remember I have (2) cousin living in NYC....oh well!!!!

  8. I got bumped up to essential (Government). Working onsite making sure the Hospital and LAB's are running functional. While most all non-essential are teleworking till May 1 (I'm mad).


    My wife is teleworking at home for about a month now but she just gave her (2) weeks notice in and going to a different company on April 6 with huge pay increase, more teleworking (95%) and some traveling. My 19 month old son is getting angry being stuck in the house. I take him out for a drive, when I get home after I do laundry and shower.


    I suppose to be on a family cruise on March 29 for 7 days from NY to the Bahamas. Got canceled (I had insurance) because I was ordered not to leave from the State Department and the National Institute of Health.

  9. Staff got tested positive (another department). This staff works in the lab not with patient in the same building. My wife was spraying me and the whole entire house with Lysol disinfect yesterday after she found out about one of the staff that got tested positive thru my phone (It was blowing up all day yesterday).
  10. Suppose to take the family on a Cruise from NY to the Bahamas on the 29th of this month. I can't leave since State Department and my Agency refuse to let me travel. We canceled the trip lucky I took the insurance. My boss lost 75% of the money he suppose to fly to Greece in the up coming weeks. My co-worker suppose to fly to Louisiana next week and he cancel his trip as well.


    Now I can get called any time thru the night or weekend to come into work. I got temporarily bumped to Tier I (Emergency 24hrs) from Tier III (non emergency/non-teleworking). Now all the top WH personal was or coming to my Agency. This week been a nightmare just like the last Ebola patient our agency had. This one is allot worse and there screening pretty much every one that comes on the campus.

  11. you're in DC, right? probably too much of a trek for me to visit the shop :) luckily Mach V is convenient to my office in Reston. can't wait to get to work on mine. pinterest is already burning a hole in my pocket.


    I'm from D.C. but the shops are in Gaithersburg, Maryland but I also have very close friends that own shops out in Frederick, Maryland.


    I got a call from my very close buddy of mine. He just bought 1 acre of land to build his own shop. I be reviewing the plans for him as a favor. It's good for him instead of being a tenant for so many years now he be a landlord.

  12. Body is taking a toll and my age is not helping. Basement renovation is almost complete and I put in new vinyl flooring and baseboard in at shop #2. Also my buddy scored on a desk and stove/oven for the shop (they want to start powder coating). I need to help bring it into the shop this weekend. I still need to do a oil change on the Legacy, way past due.


    What is a good LED set for the options OEM fog lights. I want yellow. One of the bulbs burned out and I'm thinking to put LED H7.


    Other news The AE86 is leaking brake fluid and (2) front calipers are seized (time to rebuild or hunt down another set).

  13. You need to test every fuse in the fuse box with a tester. To see what circuit is drawing power.


    It have took me months to figure out while brand new battery going dead in (2) different vehicle's. One was the Alarm system (siren) and the other one was a Hand free link. I won't be surprise if it's the Bluetooth or the radio.

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