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Everything posted by twisty

  1. my son was like that. doc told us to load the bottle with rice cereal. it was so thick we had to cut open the nipple holes for his bottle so he could get it out. but, doing that, he started sleeping for 6+ hours. my girls were fine with either formula or formula with a bit of rice cereal in it to keep em full and happy.
  2. im really curious what kind of business this is, is it a period-specific working farm museum thing? a B&B? rehab for wayward D-list stars? chinchilla farm? my mind is a-racing.
  3. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110529183007/lego/images/a/a5/2144box.jpg
  4. the same sheriffs stopped us when walking down the street, and later when skateboarding down the roads. they did this from age 12 to 18 for me and my friends, until i moved out of the area. they continued to do it to the younger kids until the area was annexed into city of phoenix and the city cops moved in. and yes, we caused all kinds of havoc, giving them plenty of reason to want to stop us, i never implied we were 100% innocent all the time.
  5. oh, and we lived in a county area, not city. the sherrifs there really hated us andmade a point to stop us any time they saw us, and kept a very close watch for us doing stupid shit. that and gilbert cops had a real boner for busting teens for racing if they even passed another car when accelerating. they didnt even bother with speed references, they would tell the judges that our rate of acceleration compared to others was significantly faster and unsafe. i actually got out of 4 of those traps in court tho. i could probably type for days on the stupid stuff i did, got caught for and got away with, but its not really that interesting
  6. hehe youd think so. i actually got out of more than i got caught for. that and i didnt ever run from the law, ive always felt that if i was going to not follow the laws, id face the consequences of my actions. i also got railroaded quite a few times by shitty cops that lied, but i was still either a street racing punk or a dirty biker so my opinion was not really taken seriously in courts. ive also never had a public pretender worth a shit, so i had that going for me too.
  7. i spent a weekend in jail when i was 19 for my 13th offense driving on a suspended license. when i was 17 i had to go in front of a judge and try to explain why i had 42 points against my license at one time, considering you get it taken away at 9 points. he told me i better break out the ole 10-speed. then i had to take a more extreme driving school course that lasted 2 full weekends to get my license back. id rather curb that from happening to my kids, save them some hassle in life. overall, i think i spent over 2 months in jail over the course of ages 16 to 22 for a bunch of different vehicular incidents. the potentially worst by far was a weekend for vehicular assault, of which i was not only cleared of, but actually innocent. when i was 17 i got my license back the day before prom, and lost it again for antics on prom night. but i did get a 84 celica gt-s to fly, so i thought it was worth it. i cleared a 5 lane intersection and landed about the middle of the opposite crosswalk, too bad the cops didnt have dash cams back then, he was sitting waiting for the light to change going the other direction. after he caught up to me 3 miles down the road, he gave me a lecture, a few tickets and then told me how awesome it looked seeing the car airborne through the whole intersection. they have since flattened it so that cant happen anymore.
  8. my middle girl has traffic school this weekend for a camera ticket. had the option of online, but i think it will make more of an impression if she has to sit there like we all did back in the day. also, when did they change it to 4.5 hours instead of 8? the cost is the same as the ticket now, sucks.
  9. my mom and gramma told me that my kids would be worse than i was, just like i was worse than my mom was. im glad that didnt come true, i was a real trouble child for the most part.
  10. par for the course. dont fret on it, give her a big hug and tell her youre glad shes home. i dont know if you knew this, but 18 yr old (and 19 yr old) girls love to argue. they also are always right. sometimes i relish those moments of clarity after i stop arguing and waited for her to realize what she was arguing wasnt necessarily true. the conversation afterwards is always more fun. sometimes it takes a while, sometimes its in the same hour.
  11. my 19 yr old keeps me up at night. she likes to talk. a lot. and, since she doesnt get out of school until 10pm, she will call and keep me up until midnite talking sometimes. i think its payback for her sleeping through the night at an early age. i dont complain much tho, at least she still wants to talk to me regularly, which isnt the norm for a teen that has left the nest.
  12. if yall didnt know, clove is a natural pain reliever. it work especially well for dental pain. take a handful of cloves, steep them until they are soft, wrap them in a piece of cheese cloth andlet the munchkin chew on it a bit. the flavor isnt too harsh after the steeping, and after a few minutes of it their gums will be numb enough for them to crash out. the temporary fillings used at most dentist offices have a bit of clove extract in them for numbing as well.
  13. you would think that was the process, but not always. here in tempe, AZ there is a mandatory 24hrs in jail for assault. just being accused will get you in there. i had a manager at a convenience store accuse me of aggravated assault when i was about 20, detectives came to my house and processed everything. i was able to choose the day i went in, but even tho there was no clear evidence (and the fact that i didnt actually do anything) and i was never charged, i still spent a day in.
  14. ya, i was almost 18 at that time. repercussions werent really a forethought back then. 20-some odd years later im a bit more subtle than that now.
  15. i stepped into a guys yard and yelled at him through the window when he was beating the shit out of his kid. the kid was like 9 or 10 and he was beating him like a bar fly. i told him to stop, he ran out of the house and took a swing at me. there was no fight tho, i dodged it and let him fall, then stepped on him and told him id come back and kill him in his sleep if i ever saw that again. unfortunately, all i did was make him be more quiet about it all. one of his neighbors came out and thanked me when i was leaving, said he had a bad temper and abused the kids. i told him he should call the cops instead of hiding. this was a neighborhood a few blocks from one of my houses in my younger days, i ended up on that street while walking to a girls house to visit. i did make a point to go down that street every so often after that.
  16. so im at the point where i need to start looking at the AWD system on the GT. problem is, i have no idea what im doing with it. i want to do a drain and fill on all 3 parts, but it occurred to me that i dont even know howto check the diffs, let alone drain and fill them. anyone know of a decent guide to it? my search has been pretty fruitless so far. that silly P0340 code is still popping up, a few times a week the kids have to pop the hood and wiggle the harness a few times to get the car running. i think its time to find a new sensor for that sucker as well.
  17. hehe im hoping they succeed, really. but i know how those things go also. either way, she will have a room to come back to, or to visit when she feels like it. all 3 of mine were sleeping for 6-7 hrs a night by that time as well, i accepted that i got very lucky in that respect. especially with twins, they seem to set each other off when there was something to cry about. and once we realized my son needed to eat twice as much as his sister, he started sleeping much better at night. i got the rare opportunity to be a stay at home dad for 4 years, so i was the one not sleeping, feeding constantly, and doing everything else for the most part. id not trade that for anything in the world. hell, i passed up a job touring with black sabbath as a carpenter to stay home with them.
  18. she will be 19 in a couple weeks. sister is 16.
  19. grats on the new spawn! hope she gets healthy quickly. mine let me know last night she is moving out with her BFF. sigh, im not ready for that yet. her sister is OK with it, she will have her own room and all of the closet space lol
  20. my ex inlaws put one of those in a couple years ago. they have had issues every couple months with their system, had most of it replaced and worked on regularly and many hours tuning the temp to get it to work right. mebbe the installer/ company just sucks, but it doesnt give me a warm fuzzy about it. my 80gal will give hot (lie 140 deg) water in about 10 seconds in the farthest bathroom from it in the winter, so im not too worried about switching. its also in an easily accessible place, so even changing it it easy enough.
  21. i have 2 girls and a boy, all in their teens. the food he can eat is astounding. i dont recall ever being able to eat that much, and im a fat guy that loves food. problem is, he takes just as long with showers as the girls do, which is torture when i want to get them all out of the house to go somewhere. thats also why i put a 80gal water heater in my house, so we can run two showers, the dishwasher and washing machine all at the same time lol
  22. i can imagine a room full of them would be difficult, but with just the one or he and one of his friends is kind of fun. hes actually fairly intelligent, it just has difficulty showing most of the time. his forte is mechanical stuff, hes good at assembly/ disassembly. likes disassembly much more tho, hehe. hes also an escape artist, bypassing the door alarms and pretty much every type of "child proof" lock made. we do enjoy the weird questions he comes up with tho, my friend did a whole series of "questions my autistic kid asks..." on her facebook.
  23. i talked to my kids about that last year, they actually prefer more breaks during the year with a shorter summer than having a long summer. they get about 10 weeks for summer now and still think its too long
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