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Posts posted by Brady

  1. Another recommendation for terry tanner and his pdr services. I got a quote from some other pdr shop that wanted $400 for what only took him 1 hour and costed me a $100.


    His number is 303 378 4944. I will say he is not the friendliest guy on the phone but he's way better in person.


    This cracked me up! My experience exactly. Good guy and does great work. He definitely takes pride in what he does!

  2. Has anyone notice that if you are driving in your car for more than 30 mins that the buttons stop working until you turn the car off for a bit?


    Nope. You have a bad connection somewhere. Based on what you're describing, it's real similar to what I experienced under the steering column with intermittent functionality. I would start there and make sure the wires are securely contacting the harness.

  3. Hi everyone.


    I just wanted to share that I learned on accident tonight that you can cut the orange and purple wires and splice them straight in and everything works fine. This was very helpful in allowing me to finally connect these cleanly once and for all.


    My purple wire broke at the wire tap, so I figured I might as well try it.



    sjm69 - I have a strong suspicion that the Macintosh system functions entirely differently than the radio we have in the USA. The first thing I think to look into would be if any other models in AUS have the same steering wheel controls with the Macintosh system.

  4. Hi Jazzy,


    Thanks for emailing me today. I was able to go buy another SNI-1 GLI at a local car audio shop. I tested it before I put it in the radio and confirmed it was good. Once I had it in the car, everything worked beautifully.


    In fact, when connected to my iPod, amazingly the 3.5mm jack comes through with the same clean volume as the 30 pin connector on the iPod. I haven't yet tested it on my iPhone to see if I see the same results.


    After my frustration of the last couple days, I'm pretty happy now.


    I'll email you tomorrow regarding the details.

  5. Thanks Lucid!


    I really hate to spend more on this since the reason I'm doing this is to get an iPod in my Legacy after I lost my company car when I lost my job and took a huge pay cut, but dammit, this blows! I might suck it up and pay the $20. Still hoping Jazzy helps me out, but he hasn't returned any of my emails over the last week. Fingers crossed.

  6. <---- NOT F*CKING HAPPY!!!!!! :mad:


    Followed instructions, tested unit before I put all back together. Seemed good. Put radio back togther. Finished install of iPod kit. Went to put everything in, right side keeps cutting out. Go back and disassemble everything. Test it all again, now BOTH sides cut out sound. This f***ing blows. 5 hours wasted tonight. Not sure if I have a bad GLI or something else up. I double and triple checked the ribbon cables. It's definitely when there's any movement in the GLI going into the Headunit that sound cuts in and out.



  7. Placed my order (iPod Pro Kit) last Saturday (4/28/12) and the site told me 2-5 days. Checking the status of my order, it still says "Pending" and I haven't gotten any email reply to the status of my order. Credit card has already cleared funds.


    Anyone have similar issues with their orders taking a long time to ship?

  8. +1 for SUBA Performance.


    Sent a friend there with her Saabaru which everyone thought had a head gasket problem. In about 5 minutes they diagnosed a bubble/air pocket in the radiator causing the Thermostat to give false readings. Topped off her radiator (reservoir was ok) and sent her out the door at no charge. She was very impressed with their service.

  9. Ok, I'll be there about 8. Sounds like Brett is going to make his way in shortly thereafter.


    GG, you still gonna make it? Scotty, it would be great if you could come - I don't think I've seen either you or Brett since Smoke & Bones in June!

  10. GG - Robusto Room across from the UA theater down in Park Meadows (or behind Rio Grande at Park Meadows). Hope to see you there.


    Scotty, is that a plan to join us?


    Nick, congrats on quitting. We'll miss ya just the same. We'll have to get together again soon anyway. Look forward to seeing you then.

  11. Uhhhh.... can I help keep the dust off the LGT? Next Thursday sounds good to me!


    Ok, I plan on meeting you at Robusto. :lol:


    Now if we just get some other folks to join us, that would be great! I even planned on having a Cigar this time (been a long time since I had one).


    Kind of hoping to get Tommypenguin out since he was always down for a cigar.

  12. Dammit boys ... we need a Robusto Meet again!


    I know I've been MIA for the last couple meets, and that's just been a function of me being busy, but I'm hoping that if we did a Thursday night deal again, I'd be able to make it. It might even give me a reason to pull the Subie out of the garage, but I'll probably just be lazy and rock the Taurus. :lol:


    What say you? Next Thursday the 20th?

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