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Everything posted by Brady

  1. I assumed your wife was using your account!
  2. Don't tempt me! It's no secret that Kimmi's easy on the eyes.
  3. You just need to find the right guys aparently! Yeah, I know it's just that easy. BUT ... there are still good guys out there. My ex-girlfriend never thought she'd find anyone interested in dating a 27 yr old single mom of a little girl with special needs, but we got along great. Too bad she pissed that away by cheating on me with some 18 yr old kid from her work. Now she's back to the idea that she'll never meet anyone again. You're much more mentally stable than she was. You'll be just fine!
  4. Kimmi ... maybe you can set me up, and then we get a twofer ... Ladies at the meet, and a new LGT.com Brady Goes on a Date thread!
  5. Well, you missed the May meet, which had its own thread. Also, you're calling a meet 2.5 days ahead of time?! Cool if you guys meet, but I can't make it. I'll be in California this weekend (See Radiohead at Berkeley tomorrow night!)
  6. I had the same problem at first and pretty much solved the problem the same way. It's been solid ever since. I actually had a loose connection on the back of the stereo. I've just secured everything with electrical tape and that has solved all issues. As Leo said, hot glue would work too. I'd use either one and I think you'll be fine.
  7. So, she looked good from the shoulders up, but she was a fatty?
  8. Quit being a pansy about it! Actually, I see a very simple solution to this. You have to cut and splice wires anyway, so the easy solution is to simply splice the control pod back into the wiring and mount the pods behind the dash where they would technically still be functional, but you just won't be able to get at them. Piece of cake. You know you want to. (Ok, so you know that *I* want to...)
  9. I see the challenges surrounding the 5EAT cars grows ... Mark ... Seriously ... This project went from 1 hour to maybe 90 minutes or 2 hours. Mark, get the buttons!
  10. I still haven't been over to that park. I'll have to check it out!
  11. What were you doing in Battle Lake?! My family has a cabin on East Battle!
  12. Just fine. When I blew my illumination fuse and wasn't sure if I shorted anything else ... THEN I was a little nervous for a bit. Got the fuse in an all was happy again. If the monkey at Home Depot had given me the right gauge wire, wouldn't have ever been a problem!
  13. Tempt? No... Get me the parts and I'll have this done in your car in close to an hour. I got the wire, I got the tools, and I have the practice. Downright easy I tell ya!
  14. Our cruise is so intuitive, why would you need illumination to work it? That's just VW engineering for you ... make another fancy "feature" to fail. Simplicity of our cruise is just beautiful!
  15. I think that pin 4 on the roll connector is ground for the illumination. I know that if you touch pins 4 and 5 together, you'll sound the horn. Don't ask how I know this.
  16. We need to get Pillboy to buy the stereo pods and get the first 5EAT set up!
  17. Saw a Garnet Red Outback 3.0R wagon Parked in front of Lunds on Normandale today. It was freshly washed and looked SOOOO PRETTY!
  18. I think I've stagnated. At this point, I think I'm just seeing the same cars over and over again. SWP Wagon on Bass Lake road/ramp to 494 south. Mornings SWP Sedan on 494 south near 394. Mornings ABP Sedan on 494 north between 62 and always exiting on 394/12 west bound afternoons Think I saw Kimmi on 55 heading west from 494 north on Monday (memorial day) afternoon ABP sedan southbound on Bush lake road afternoons GRP Sedan (ltd) westbound on Weaver Lake Road evenings It's craziness anymore
  19. The other modes you mention would be with another part. In the UK, Subaru sells a bluetooth kit. It probably has a signal it sends to the stereo to mute the call and routes the sound through the speakers. This is another feature that I don't know of anyone in the States who has tried this part. If you use Bluetooth, it's usually easier to just use a headset anyway, IMO.
  20. Saw a Silver Legacy GT Limited Sedan, no spoiler, hitch, and personalized plate I couldn't read at the intersection of ?80th? and Normandale (just in front of the Holiday station. Who it be?
  21. It wasn't you ... or I'd have yelled at you. Oh ... and Black interior too. Couldn't tell for sure, but I think it was a non-limited. Around 5:30 pm or so. And saw yamie7000000000 yesterday too. Brian, We must live not more than 5 miles or so apart. I live just a ways west of Bass Lake Road. Grille looks good.
  22. Damn ... yet ANOTHER ABP LGT sedan today. On 494 north near Hwy 7 I think. No spoiler, male about 40 driving, window down, didn't look over. Might be the same guy I spotted on Baker a while back.
  23. I don't understand how that works. Or do you mean, as long as the resistance between the two is correct, it doesn't matter which direction it's set up?
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