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Posts posted by Drew888

  1. I just do not understand the purpose of doing it. Why run a set of rims larger that you should? I can understand running larger tires - in theory, more traction. But more wheel without the benefits?? I guess I just do not understand. Maybe I have curbed too many wheels in my day.


    I agree and in someone else's thread a while back I was chastized for not see the view point of our resident hella flush crew. Now I see a post where most dissagree with the OP. That's just weird...


    Why I personally dislike the look is from a very clear memory of where this look started. I lived through it from the beginning (or at least when it started to become more common) and it has had a lasting affect. It was born from a combination of the SoCal lowrider scene of the early 80'ies and the move from Impalas and the like to Civics and Sentras. Back then the farther you could push them out the cooler they thought they were.


    This isn't a look I want to associate with. I didn't get it then and don't now. Those kids were emulating a street scene and knew nothing of any kind of racing. I was following Rally, F1, etc and had an appreciation for "performance" mods. I can't comment on the international scene.


    Anyway, it should be our job as fellow LGTer's for point out the obvious in an effort to keep our friends a tiny bit safer.


    This is a looks only thing, and if they know that and are aware that their driving habits should be similar to driving with a donut spare on then they are good to go.


    To the OP, sorry man, some of us get where you are coming from even if it's not our thing but more and more people that do like it don't understand where we are coming from (some of old timers anyway).


    Side profile looked SICK though, wider tires and more negative and in a 9" and I may go for it. If only I could find a rim in 9" and the right offset.

  2. New Grill is ON!!









  3. I've only done the oil pickup on an 06 STI. If it's similar then I bet if you are good a wrenching in tight places (back bolts) then it's really a piece of cake. I will mention that lifting the motor an inch or so will make the job much easier though.


    I suspose cracking the pan loose after the bolts are all out may be tough for some. I used a steel wood planing blade (very strong, wide, yet thin) to pry the pan loose... Worked out great. Once the pan is out the pick up is easy enough. Again, one of the bolts to it wasn't easy to get to but if patient it works out fine.

  4. I think I'm gonna release a few more beta units before selling the real thing. I have pcb boards on order, they will be in by late next week. After the beta testers seem satisfied I will be putting in an order for a production quantity. It could be a few weeks to a month, unless your lucky enough to get in on the next round of beta gauges, I expect the additional beta gauges to be out in a week or so.


    Always available, almost always online, consider me if you need another.

  5. Very nice product!

    I like that you used the analog output of the LC-1, that means you could use it with any AFR measuring system that provides a linear 0-5VDC signal. I happen to have a 14point7 NAW_7s. What would be nice is the ability to customize that analog input such that someone with an oil pressure sender could monitor the pressure rather than AFR. I think all that would be needed is three functions: Name, 0VDC=some_value, 5VDC=some_value and the user could customize the input to monitor anything that's linear 0-5VDC.

    Sorry for the really late suggestion, or if it has been mentioned already.


    Awesome idea, to expand on that, what if we could flick a switch and change the signal going to that input. eg, if someone is tuning thay use the AFR, then flick a switch and then monitor EGT (don't know that signal it uses though...just an idea).


    If the siganl fed to it was similar and we could rig up a switch then we'd only need the ability to rename it.

  6. lossol, have you considered picking up where Magden left off? Their M1b product was awesome but now stopped production because they didn't see the return on it that they were looking for.


    If simplified by maybe just figuring out how to make this output via RCA with two or three guage options, and the ability to add any sensor it would sell to all makes/models. This basic functionality is all it needs and you would easily profit where Magden couldn't.


    Something to think about.

  7. I know...nitpicking but no one mentioned the lack of a flush fit. Is the plexiglass still perfectly flat? It would be nice if it had a slight bend to it especially at the bottom. I'm still in either way ...


    HAhahaha, disregard the above because it really doesn't matter. I've been gone from this thread for a while and just read through it all again. HOLY CRAPNUGGETS!!!


    Simply incredible.... someone needs to name their first born after you (sorry I'm done with the having kids thing)! ;)

  8. Not exactly a place to get your car worked on but that's probably a good thing.


    I just had tires installed for the second time at DnJ Wheels and it is the ONLY place to go if you are crazy nervous about anyone scratching your rims.


    They got me in and out in an hour and tires are well balanced and NEVER a scratch.









    Oh, and Star Spec do run wider than RE-01Rs


  9. No not hard at all but to make things much easier you really need two people.


    220* for 15min (at most) and after you have removed the three torx screws, you pry up the tabs and pull it apart.


    Thing is the sealant is similar to hot cheese off a pizza, if you have two people then you loosen it, pull it about a 1/2" apart then pull it apart quickly to "snap" the sealant apart. If not it gets stringy and messy...you just don't want that cleanup.


    Others will say that with one person you just use a sharp knife or razor blade to separate but still... so much easier and faster with another pair of hands.


    We (my 06 STI owning nephew) have collectively modded about 12-16 headlights over the years and now don't even use any additional sealant of anykind without issue. Trick here is to press the two halves together (cold so don't expect much), bake them then press them together some more. That's it...

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